Contract Airline Services

"We are the protagonists of our stories called life, and there is no limit to how high we can fly."

PHD. MBA. MHS. Type rated on A350, A330, B777, B747-400, B747-200, B757, B767, B737, B727. International Airline Pilot / Author / Speaker. Dedicated to giving the gift of wings to anyone following their dreams. Supporting Aviation Safety through training, writing, and inspiration. Fighting for Aviation Safety and Airline Employee Advocacy. Safety Culture and SMS change agent.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Wings Airways! Juneau Alaska...

 There are two ways in and out of Juneau... by air or by sea. This time we arrived by ship... next time will be air. Fortunately we were on the side with the view and watched the float planes arrive and depart.  Of course we had to follow them...

And who did they belong to? Wings Airways... 

On our mission to follow the float planes were sidetracked by a tram and a hike up the mountain. 

Once back on course we found the wings building... and realized we had missed a great opportunity. By the time we arrived we had used up all our time for a flight. And the weather had dropped.

Had we stopped at Wings Airways first, we would have taken the five glacier tour by air! But we did have a chance to meet Samantha and Tim, and intend on returning the their fine establishment.

Below is an outline of the wings glacier route. How fun it would have been to see the glaciers by air!  But.... we will be back. Alaska Airlines has five flight daily to Juneau, and it's just a two hour flight from Seattle. Next mission to find out how much longer in the year they fly tours.

Click on Wings Airways 
and see what they have to offer! 
We will be back. Will you?

Remember to enjoy the journey. And make Juneau and Wings Airways part of your flight plan.
XO Karlene


  1. I sure hope you go back for that glacier fly-by in Juneau and float planes are so much fun. As you know, you've got a major float operator (perhaps the largest?) right in you neighborhood and there is nothing like flying a rotary engined Beaver. I love pic #1, the flaps down bank and decent to the bay and #5. What a handsome couple. Go for it Grandma++. -C.

    1. Yes... we have a major float operator. And... that would be a blast to fly to Juneau with a rotary engine beaver... hmmm.. now you're giving me ideas. But... we will most definitely head up there and take a flight.

  2. You're completely getting me to re-live my alaskan adventure.

    When I was there a few years ago ... my mom and aunt surprised me with a tour with Wings Airways, and I got to sit up front! That was one of the things that inspired me to start flying from an early age.

    Check out this article about it:

    So jealous that you're up there... I'm doing more physics homework,

    1. Swayne, That is so awesome! You have been flying all over the world. One day it will be with a license in your pocket!
      Thanks for the link! Love the blacked out face. I was thinking someone in hiding. :)

  3. Alaska is definitely on my to-do list! Hopefully will get to experience it soon. I have some friends who live there as well. Wings Airways seems like a must :)
    Would love to get my CPL ASES ;)

    1. Cecilie, you could get your float rating at Kenmore... or somewhere in Seattle and could stay at the Petitt bed and breakfast! You get clean sheets, home cooked meals and sometimes entertainment. :) We have free cars too! Yes... we'll take good care of you during your training. That would be a fun week for sure! Think about it and we'll make it happen!!

  4. Flying a Beaver is just all around great fun. Brings back great memories of my few times flying one.

    Juneau is like a lot of Alaskan airports. They have crazy instrument approaches and departures. They're something you'd never see in regular places in the States. I've flown in and out of their twice. It was great fun both times and fortunately the weather wasn't too bad but bad enough to have to shoot the approach.


    1. Tom, how much fun that was for you. I can only imagine how hairy it would get on the stormy days. But the weather can drop so fast, when you least expect it. I am glad you had the opportunity!


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