Success begins with a decision!
2014 I made quite a few resolutions,
and yes... I kept many:
How to Achieve Success can be in the palm of your hands. Literally. Flight To Success Be the Captain of Your Life will be available January 2015. Secrets on how to make all your dreams come true!
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene

Amazon Comments are appreciated too!
2014 I made quite a few resolutions,
and yes... I kept many:
Me in 2014
No Sugar! I exercised daily! Drank copious amounts of water. Laughed loud and hard. I did meditate, but not daily as planned. Down time ... 48 hours a month without internet failed miserably. But only because I was accepted into graduate school, and that took priority. My computer is used daily. Two of my resolutions were in conflict.
I saw each of my grandchildren every month! Yes... I did it. Seattle, Austin, and Bend. Amazing but true and such a blessing to see them. December they all came to Seattle.
I golfed with my husband once. But that's problem, I said I was going to, but did not specify the number of days. Be specific when making plans. But I did build him a golf course. :)
I made it to OSH, but I did not get my glider rating. But I have a great plan coming up. My friend and statistics teammate will be working to make this a reality. Glider hours count toward total flight time.

I did well enough on my GRE and was accepted into ERAU's graduate program. Working toward my PhD!
Flight For Safety is published! Flight To Success is complete, but awaiting publication. Two children's books written, awaiting illustration. Flight For Survival is plotted and outlined. Movies...not in screen play form yet. But I have to leave something for next year. And my A330 study guides will be written first quarter of 2015.
Resolution Success!
How to Achieve Success can be in the palm of your hands. Literally. Flight To Success Be the Captain of Your Life will be available January 2015. Secrets on how to make all your dreams come true!
Happy New Year!
2015 Resolutions on New Years Day!
How did you do on your resolutions
last year?
XO Karlene
Thank You For Reading!