Contract Airline Services

"We are the protagonists of our stories called life, and there is no limit to how high we can fly."

PHD. MBA. MHS. Type rated on A350, A330, B777, B747-400, B747-200, B757, B767, B737, B727. International Airline Pilot / Author / Speaker. Dedicated to giving the gift of wings to anyone following their dreams. Supporting Aviation Safety through training, writing, and inspiration. Fighting for Aviation Safety and Airline Employee Advocacy. Safety Culture and SMS change agent.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Justice Is Served

On the Long Island Rail Road! 

On July 20, 2023, federal Administrative Law Judge Scott R. Morris found that the MTA Long Island Rail Road Company (LIRR) had once again retaliated against whistleblower Anthony Inganamorte who had reported unsafe rail conditions that could lead to derailments. But this was not the first time the Rail Road management had retaliated. 

In 2017, Anthony Inganamorte filed a whistleblower complaint alleging that the MTA Long Island Railroad Company had disqualified him from the Foreman position in retaliation for his reports of unsafe rail conditions and wage theft. The LIRR’s complacency towards safety has led directly to train derailments. Thanks to his attorney, Lee Seham, and truth on his side, Anthony's litigation ended successfully with a decision by federal Administrative Law Judge Jonathan C. Calianos, on August 11, 2020, ordering the LIRR to reinstate him to the foreman position. 

And then they retaliated again! 

This time it was Judge Morris who found that the LIRR had subjected him to the adverse action of GPS surveillance on the “exact date” that he returned to the foreman position. Using particularly harsh language, Judge Morris asserted that the LIRR’s “contumacious conduct raised at least the specter of spoliation,” or the intentional destruction of evidence. 

Judge Morris also held the railroad’s law firm responsible for engaging in motion practice that he characterized as “gamesmanship.” As attorney Lee Seham stated, “If you have nothing to hide, there is no need to withhold and/or destroy evidence. It is obvious that the LIRR has a lot to hide.”

I've had the opportunity to meet Anthony and discuss his case. His entire focus was on passenger safety. I wholeheartedly agree with Lee when he says Anthony is, "A man of unparalleled integrity. To take adverse action against someone who makes safety his number one priority is unspeakable, particularly when the LIRR appears to turn a blind eye to individuals who violate these same safety standards.”

If you find yourself In a Labor Dispute
You might want to contact 
Lee Seham

Congratulations Anthony!
This has been a long fight. 
And you deserved this win.

Please join me and congratulate 
Anthony and Lee on finding justice!

Unless you've walked in those shoes, it's difficult to understand the pain and suffering that people undergo as the result of attempting to improve safety when the company wants you silenced. I understand. Anthony understands. As do many others. 

On September 7th I will be the keynote speaker at the Workplace Promise Institute conference. Please join me in Washington D.C. or by live-stream, to share the vision of a safe place to work. "Culture change happens when energized personnel – across organizations, communities, and governments make healthy and informed decisions in the workplace." The Workplace Promise Institute is the education center for Whistleblowers of America. I hope you can join us. 

Enjoy the Journey
Dr. Karlene Petitt
A350, B777, A330, B747-400, B747-200, B767, B757, B737, B727

Friday, July 7, 2023

Ladies Beyond Flying

You are Invited! 

To the 35th Aviation Women Panel on July 18th, 2023 at 0800 PDT. My friend, Daniel Stecher, is the man behind Ladies Beyond flying group and he's invited me to be a speaker on July 18th. I'll be on the tail end of a road trip, so who knows where I will be. But I will be there! That's why they make alarms. I hope you will join us. You never know what will be discussed, but from what I've seen, these talks are always enlightening. I will try not to disappoint. Click on the "book your seat" link below, and join me and a fabulous group of delightful people. We open up for questions, and you can ask anything. I hope to see you there!

Daniel Stecher is the Vice President Business Development Global Sales & Marketing. Reach out to him and become part of Ladies beyond flying... yes, there are men too. And check out his website. Daniel is an inspiration to all. He is connecting the world through aviation enthusiasts, and redefining travel. 

I hope to see you on the 18th! 



Enjoy the Journey

Dr. Karlene Petitt
A350, B777, A330, B747-400, B747-200, B767, B757, B737, B727