has passed, or what is yet to
come. It can only be appreciated
in all that I am experiencing
- now."

XOX Karlene
This week Jun earned his English Certificate—TOEFL—Test of English as a Foreign Language.
Congratulations Jun with a great accomplishment!
What makes this extra special is that this accomplishment brings Jun one step closer to reaching his dream of becoming a pilot.
June wrote to me sharing his great news. He said, “I am so happy, and excited with my family. I am looking forward to learning aviation, and meeting you in USA in the near future. The next step is to apply for USA Visa. I think it takes 1 month to get F-1 Visa. Thank you for motivating me up by writing to the world especially when I have a hard time. I won’t stop to learn English forever!!”
Jun has worked at Yamaguchi University as a teaching assistant and studied Environmental Engineering, he knows both Japanese and English, and is a friend to the world—at 22 years old he has his dreams in focus and a vision to be your captain one day.
Jun is planning on attending Flight Safety in Florida in the near future—a long way to go from his home in Kobe-shi, Hyogo, Japan. When I asked Jun what made him decide to go to Flight Safety he told me they have a program for International Students. But his story is a little more complex.
Jun: In 2010, I took an exam of civil aviation school in Japan. Many Japanese airline pilots start to build their career in this school. There are 3 kinds of examinations. First one is knowledge exam… Japanese, English, Physics, Math, and News. Second one is medical check… all students who are eligible to take the exam are healthy people. The school wants the perfect student. Third one is the interview. I failed at the second one and didn't want to accept this result. I consulted my family about my future. Fortunately, they really understand how much I really want to become an airline pilot, and they said to me that you should go to USA to study how to fly.
I really appreciate their kindness, and start to look for school in Internet. But I have no idea which school is good for me, and one of my best friends from Canada (He is already pilot) recommended me to go to flight safety. Because he knows aviation world a lot, and I trust him always, and from article in Internet, I decided to enroll in Flight Safety Academy. Last May, my dad and I went to survey Flight safety, and we are impressed by the environment, and decided to enroll in there for sure.
Karlene: Jun, what was your greatest challenge earning your English certificate?
June: My greatest challenge earning my English certificate is that I didn't have friends. Although I have Japanese friends in Japan, and friends from another countries on social network, I need to fight to my weakness by myself because my friends don't need English certificate right now. That was a greatest challenge to study by myself. Because I am kind of person who want to ask questions when I have no idea, and want to share my idea when my friends have heard time while studying.
Karlene: I have no idea how you did this on your own. You are amazing. When did you know you wanted to become a pilot?
Jun: As far as I remember, since I was 6 or 7 years old, I have had dream of becoming an airline pilot. I cannot forget the feeling every time I board airplane. I respect how wonderful pilot can take responsible for passenger's life, family, and dream. I don't know how to express this feeling even in Japanese.
Karlene: Many of us have a hard time expressing that feeling. Since I’ve known you, I’ve learned one special thing about you and that is your positive attitude. So I have to ask, where did you get your great attitude from?
Jun: Thank you very much! I am sorry but I don't know. But I am sure I won't act what I don't want (like). I will act with passion what I want (like). I really love to achieve my dream, and want to hear aviation world from airline pilot on your blog. The reason why I like to read your writing is not only this, but also you are inspirational pilot.
Karlene: I always appreciate your kind words and wonderful comments. But you are also very supportive of everyone, and motivating. Were you raised that way, or how did you find such a kindness in yourself?
Jun: Thank you very much!! I am sorry but again I don't know exactly. I guess because of my family and my friends!!! I think the people surrounding me grow me up little by little. The reason why I like to support friends is that I really want family and friends success, which is great medicine for me. Also I really appreciate their mental help. I know without family and friends, I won't be able to achieve my dream.
Jun with Queenie Hou and Buddy Masangya
Karlene: Your friends and family are very lucky to have you part of their world. If more people understood what great medicine supporting others success is, the healthier and happier we would all be. So tell me, what will it mean for you to fly?
Jun: In the future, I want to think flying as my principal tool to inspire many people. Because I am inspired by pilot every time I board the airplane. I cannot imagine my current life if I don't have dream. That's why...
Jun visits me in Osaka upon landing
Karlene: That is an excellent “why.” Have you ever flown before?
Jun: I have flown as a passenger many times. I have flown 1 time with piper when my dad and I visited at Flight safety academy. We were so excited to fly for 1 hour, and one of my memorial days is this day.
Karlene: Jun, you will have many more memorable days in your future.
Jun: Thank you for asking me questions, Karlene san!! I will protect my dream. Right now I have 2 feelings. 1 is I am looking forward to learning new skills. Another is I am worrying about my future.
Have a great day,
warm regards,
For the readers, today’s Friday Flyer is a surprise for Jun. He had no idea when I sent him these questions that he would be subject to sharing his life with the world.
I wanted to congratulate Jun on accomplishing his TOEFL, for not accepting the results of that second exam, for his family supporting him, and for his courage to venture across the world to follow his dream. For all he is, and all he does for his friends and family, for the kind and gentle spirit and his willingness to support everyone—Congratulations Jun. You deserve every success that will come your way.
You will protect your dreams. You will learn new skills. But never worry about your future. Keep doing what you’re doing and the path will be there for you. Worry is wasted energy for those who do, give, and achieve—there is no time or energy to worry—you’re too busy. You will achieve all your dreams. There will be struggles along the way, but that’s what you have friends and family for—support.
Please take a moment and congratulate Jun, give him your words of wisdom, and we will follow his career. The sky is no longer the limit.
Enjoy the Journey!
XOX Karlene
Old Drugs are Like Old Clothes
Unused medications accumulate in the house like old clothes in the close. Most households have them and like so many of us, it’s time to quit procrastinating and get rid of them.
This coming Saturday, October 29th is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day from 10 am to 2 pm for controlled substances, regular prescriptions, pet prescriptions, and over-the-counter (OTC) products. It’s a wonderful opportunity to remove these hazards from our homes and communities.
Why should YOU/WE care?
YOU should care because prescription drug abuse is the fastest growing drug problem in the country. Abuses of medicines by teens often results in medical emergencies and fatal overdoses. Most abusers of medicines, including teens, get the drugs from a friend or relative- not a drug dealer. It’s alarming that in most communities, nearly everyone knows someone who has been affected by teen overdose. I’m passionate because I’ve known one too many. Let’s stop it now.
YOU should care because unwanted medicines left in the home endanger our children, seniors and pets. About half of the 37,000 phone calls to the Washington Poison Control Center concern young children who have been poisoned by medicines found at home.
WE all need to care about our environment. We used to encourage flushing drugs down the toilet or mixing them with kitty litter before throwing them in the garbage. Now we know that when unwanted medicines are sent down the sewers or disposed of in landfills they find their way into our drinking water, lakes and food sources. Do we need more pollutants in the environment? I don't believe so.
What can be taken back? Lots! Click HERE to find out what’s returnable. It's simple. It's easy. Participating pharmacies will take back non-narcotic medicines while law enforcement agencies will take back everything including narcotic prescriptions.
Click HERE to find participating locations. This event occurs every six months and nearly 5000 law-enforcement agencies nationwide participate.
Encourage Others!
To learn even more, visit:
Prescription and OTC drugs are not candy. They are a liability. Make your own home and community safer by taking back those old prescription medications and consider yourself a hero. You may just save a life or two.
To your good health,
Dr Larry.
For more information on Dr. Larry's click on his bio.
Thank you Dr. Larry, I'm cleaning out my cupboards and driving less than a block from my house to take them in this Saturday. If anyone wants a copy of the Take Back poster, below, to hang in your workplace or share with friends, please email me and I will send you the PDF file.
What Should I do?
When life throws you multiple opportunities it also throws the dilemma of making a decision. What if you make the wrong decision? Your career and future happiness depends upon doing the right thing.
Life is definitely easier when our options are limited—the decision is easy. But when there are more than one way to go... how do you decide?
There are many tools available to help rationalize which route to take when trying to make a decision. I recently purchased the book How We Decide, by Jonah Lehrer. I’ve yet to read it, but looking forward to discovering how our minds work in the fascinating process we call decision-making. I'll keep you posted.
Decision Making
There are many analytical tools available. One is the Grid Analysis, where you list all your choices down one column and rate each factor with a number with the highest most important—then add up the scores. Another is a SWOT analysis that companies use to determine their Strengths and Weaknesses in alignment with the Opportunities and Threats of the environment. This tool actually enables businesses to identify their strengths and to look outside their walls to the environment. I’ve come up with a combination of these two analysis methods to assist in decision making process. I hope this helps.
We'll use David's Dilemma for the example.
Here’s how it works:
List all your options down the left side. Write the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats for each option across the top. Once you get them on paper you’ll have a clearer picture of the right thing to do. I’ve started the evaluation list for David. Now it’s up to David to figure the rest out by filling in all the squares below.
Options | Strengths | Weaknesses | Opportunities | Threat |
Stay at Gulfstream | Stable. Senior Good pay Enjoy the flying Experience | Bad Reputation No glass time | Check-airman
| Accident Un-Stable? |
Change Companies |
Fly for Commuter
Fly for US Department |
So with all this said, you can make the best decision with the information available and you still may not make the correct decision.
1996 I had an invitation with NWA for an interview. But I was flying the 747 with Tower and was looking at a Captain in 6 months. I loved what I was doing, but didn't know what to do. I asked so many pilots and some said "stay," others said, "go." Everyone had an opinion. Bottom line...I decided I loved what I was doing and decided to stay at Tower. I was tired of changing airlines.
The day I had made that decision was the same day I learned I was on the list to be furloughed from Tower. I took the interview with NWA, and was hired. The story gets better…
This furlough notice went out in October, and in November (the same day I was offered the job at NWA) I was called back to work at Tower. They’d told me they'd decided to not furlough this year. Historically, the owner of Tower would furlough for a month before the big Haj contract started so he wouldn’t have to keep all the pilots on payroll.
What had happened was the Chief Pilot was on his way to New York to tell the owner of Tower to not furlough that particular year because all the airlines were hiring and Tower wouldn’t have anyone to fly the Haj. But on his way to the airport the Chief Pilot got hit by a car and missed his flight so he didn't talk to the owner and the furlough letter went out. (Later to be retracted) Because of those events... my life changed.
I stayed at NWA and Tower eventually went out of business. But the moral of this story is… sometimes we make the wrong decisions, and the universe changes our options. Or we might make the right decision, and the choice is taken away. All I can say is… make the best choice you can, and hope for the best. Use all the resources you have, follow your instincts, your gut... that little voice... and do the best you can. You won't know if made the right decision until the end of the game.
Enjoy the Journey!
XOX Karlene
A couple weeks ago David sent me the following message:
There is a career fair at Embry Riddle on the 19th. I don't have much experience in the career fair environment. Do you have any rapport building strategies, or would you happen to know any of the recruiters that will be in attendance? I am really interested in making an impression and finding a comfort zone within myself so I can thrive in this environment without feeling like I sold my soul. I am a nice guy, so I don't think I need to be fake, but I am not sure what the recruiters are looking for outside of the minimums. Thanks for being there.”
My comment went something like this:
“Just go there to meet people. You're there to interview the airlines. Show interest. Ask questions. Pick up cards. Listen and remember what people say about the airlines. Then if you interview and or apply, you can use that information to your benefit. You'll have a great time. Learn lots. And ... what you learn will help you when and if you decide to go there.”
Last weekend David updated me on the Career Fair. Thank you for sharing this information David.
Embry Riddle Career Expo.
I am pleased to inform you that I had a wonderful time at Embry Riddle's Career Expo. The electric atmosphere was charged with promise. It felt great to be a part of something so special. The formal attire and high hopes permeated the field house like an intoxicant. It was hard for me to contain myself by the time I reached the front of the line to speak with a recruiter. I smiled, told jokes, and spoke with eloquence.
Get your Ducks Lined Up.
Several of the recruiter had positive outlooks on their companies future. Jetblue, Allegiant, and Arik Air International are forecast growth in the immediate future. United Continental Holdings, American Airlines, and Delta should be hiring sometime in 2012 for attrition. I was advised to get my ducks lined up. Then, apply early and often. One of the recruiters even said that their system won't acknowledge my application if it is not updated every 60 days. I believe I made a pretty strong connection with the United Continental Holding Recruiter Christi Nixon. She gave me some great advice on beefing up my resuming to compensate for the fact that I work at Gulfstream.
Time in a Glass Cockpit?
My company Gulfstream International Airlines has apparently made quite a name for themselves. Our training department has taken a lot of heat because a few former Gulfstream pilots were linked to two big accidents. Christi told me I need time in a glass cockpit in order to prove I can make it at the next level of automation. I have that from my time flying a CRJ. She also told me that I need to apply to be a check-airman.
David's Dilemma…
So, Essentially these are my two options. Turn my negatives into positives by sticking with Gulfstream and working my way up to instructor or check airman. My second option is to go with another company that doesn't have a tarnished reputation. I'm not at all sure on where I should go, but I did have someone from the US Department of State tell me that I should come fly for him. How would that affect my credentials? I'm also concerned about how it would affect my ability to network since I would be flying in another country. I really don't want to start over at another regional unless the upgrade time is short.
Ahhh, What to do? Yesterday truly was a wonderful day, but it seems like the more options you have the harder it is to make a decision. Please share your thoughts. I do not like the idea about being a high-risk applicant. I feel like I have worked to hard to be waving a red flag. However, I haven't been working as smart as I should have. So, I'm hoping you can help me fix the latter. Looking forward to your next email.
David, you may have a dilemma...but nothing you can't figure out. Learn what the minimum requirements are for the airline you want to apply with, make sure you meet them and then stick with te job that will get you the most hours and experience. Also remember ... flying as a check-airman will help your career in many ways. There is something about understanding the plane and procedures well enough to teach them to someone else, not to mention learning from those that you teach ... it's just great experience.
I know with more options, the tougher decision. But actually, the more information, the decision should be easier. More options make that decision more difficult.
Tuesday I'll share something that helps with decision making. But today... does anyone have any words of wisdom for David? What would you do if you were David?
Thank you.
Enjoy the Journey!
XOX Karlene
Imagine a little girl born in rural East Texas, growing up on a dirt farm with a God-fearing, ranting, father who lived with a bottle to his lips for the mistake he’d made by spawning this child. Dragging her to tent revivals to kill his demons, he punished her for his sins. Picture a little girl who had nothing but rags on her back, who would punch a little boy in the nose for making fun of her for not owning a pair of shoes. Imagine the early life of Sally Ketchum.
She didn’t own a pet. There weren’t toys in her life other than Sugar—a rag doll a relative made for her. The few friends she met at school would never see where she lived. Her best friends would become the books that she snuck into her home that would eventually break her free from the prison of ignorance and poverty in which she lived.
Sally was a lot like me in the fact that she watched clouds and daydreamed of having wings. Then one day her dreams came true. Tex, and his Jenny, flew into town and Tex fell in love with the woman he saw standing in front of him— Strong, direct, honest, and intelligent Sally Ketchum. He saw past the dirt and poverty. To Tex, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
Looking into her soul, he saw a pilot.
Together they took to the skies.
The Jenny
Sally fell equally as hard for the man, the plane, and the freedom they gifted her. Unfortunately her six months of heaven barnstorming with her two loves would end abruptly when their Jenny crashes and she watches the loves of her life burn to death. Why was she spared this fateful crash? Her life was over. But in reality, it had just begun.
Sally Ketchum became a WASP.
WASP: Women Airforce Service Pilots.
Nothing in life is easy, especially breaking into the world of aviation for a woman, especially during the time of war. I know of the many struggles that the Women Airforce Service Pilots faced, but can only imagine living during that time. Sally’s life was just a glimpse of those challenges. But she got to do what she was born to do—Fly.
“Sally made a slight correction of stick and rudder to keep the PT-19 pointed arrow-straight toward the runway that waited approximately a mile ahead…She forced herself to loosen her grip on the PT’s stick… She instinctively advanced the throttle a smidgen to keep up her airspeed and the engine’s oil temperature… Nothing could go wrong now.”
Sally did fly, until her life was ended once again—Or had it just begun?
That determination will be yours.
“More than 25,000 young women volunteered for training as Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP). Of the 1,830 who were accepted, 1,074 graduated. Almost all went on to fly many types of aircraft, from the smallest and slowest trainers to giant bombers and hot fighters. Missions ranged from ferrying aircraft to dispersal points for shipment overseas, to towing targets for student gunners firing live ammunition. Flight occurred in all kinds of weather, sometimes in worn-out aircraft returned from combat, or in machines fresh from the factory and making their first hop. These missions were often as dangerous as combat, and in fact thirty-eight WASP died. By war’s end, Women Airforce Service Pilots had flown sixty million miles in seventy-eight different types of aircraft.”
Karl Friedrich
Today’s Friday Flyer is in honor of Sally, the image of all the female flyers who called themselves WASP, for those who lost their lives, and those who survived like my friend Betty Blake, one of the first WASP. To read Betty’s story click HERE.
If you would like to share the dream of flight, live the life of a WASP, and find yourself wrapped up in the life of Sally Ketchum, you must read WINGS by Karl Friedrich, A Novel of World War II Fly Girls.
Author Karl Friedrich
“Karl Friedrich has worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine and public relations writer, advertising copywriter, and photographer. His many friends who fly military or commercial aircraft, and his lifelong fascination with women who achieve great accomplishments despite the displeasure of men, provided inspiration and impetus for Wings.”
Karl's experience writing, combined with his passion for story and love of aviation explodes on the pages of his novel, WINGS. I'm looking forward to joining Karl and his aviation buddies, as I’m told they often have discussions about the planes of today. Hopefully they all can be a Friday Flyer one day.
Thank you Karl for sharing a great story. Thank you for the gift of WINGS.
Readers... now you, too, can have the gift.
Sign up to follow my blog and leave a comment below.
One name will be randomly drawn from the comments below.
Make sure you check back on Tuesday November 1st to see if you're the winner.
Good Luck!
For those of you who can't wait, WINGS is available for purchase by clicking HERE
Or visit Karl to purchase an autographed copy for those aviators in your life by clicking on WINGS
What a great gift to give to the men and women with a heart and soul to fly.
Enjoy the Journey!
XOX Karlene
Tuesday I added to the list:
Today I'll add:
How will the Instructor know that you’re ready for the check-ride?
Question for your potential instructor:
Instructor Darby, how will you know when I’m ready for my check-ride? Who makes that decision? … Me? I make that decision? You mean I get to tell “you” when I feel ready? That makes sense, since I’ll know better than anyone when I’m good to go.
You will not know when you will feel ready.
You will never feel ready.
That decision belongs to the instructor.
Any instructor who says, “I’ll sign you off when you feel like you’re ready,” is not fulfilling their job as a qualified instructor.
Let me explain. Student pilots don’t know enough to know when they’re ready to pass the check-ride because doubt, fear, and what if, creeps into their mind. The instructors have been trained to make this determination. They should also have the skills to help you believe.
Remember: You are the student. You’re not trained to make that kind of assessment.
The pilot personality is also one of perfectionism. We will always want to be better. “One more ride, and I’ll know I’ll feel better about it.” But you don’t. Trust me—you will not know when you’re ready. There will always be one more ride. Then another and another.
The mother bird has to kick the baby out of the nest because Mother knows baby can fly far before the baby knows.
An instructor who allows the student to make the determination of readiness is failing the student. Your instructor must have the skills to know if you are able to fly the plane, and have confidence that they did their job well in preparing you. They must also instill that confidence in you.
My first instructor never asked if I felt ready to solo. He also never told me the day that I would take that plane into the sky alone for the first time. One day he asked me to taxi to the base of the tower and he climbed out of the plane and said, “You’re ready,” then closed the door.
Years later I had 500 plus hours and was training for my 727 type rating. I did not feel ready. But the instructor never asked me if I was, he just said, “You’re ready. You can do this.” Fighting the doubt and fear, I chose to believe him for a couple reasons: First, I knew he knew far more than I. Second, I figured his name was on the sign-off and he wouldn’t want a down on his record. He was right, despite my doubt.
There is no such thing as a perfect check-ride. Being proficient and safe are the keys. Knowing what to do when you make a mistake is essential. But flying a perfect ride is a fairytale.
A process of learning, improving, being safe...
knowing that you will make a mistake...
but nothing you haven’t been trained to fix.