Happy New Year 2016
This is the year to Find Courage,
and Commit to taking that Leap!
Each year I write many resolutions. 2015 brought a new book, Flight To Success, Be the Captain of Your Life, and I finished the third novel of a series: Flight For Survival, and a children's book: I Am Awesome, the ABCs of Me. I also finished a full year of school. But what happens next, in 2016, will take courage.
My friend sent me this picture of her jump off the tallest building in the world. She amazes me at her fearlessness, and her strength in all that she does. When I told her as much she said...
My friend sent me this picture of her jump off the tallest building in the world. She amazes me at her fearlessness, and her strength in all that she does. When I told her as much she said...
"Sometimes it is better NOT to look before you leap!
You just have to commit and go for it."
I always wondered what propels
someone to jump off a building, I learned it
takes courage. Sometimes that proverbial building is the courage to face your fears such as
publishing a book, investing your life savings in your dream, quitting your
job to follow your passion, public speaking, or taking a stand for what is right, because nobody else will. Jumping off the building means doing those things that create fear, despite the fear.

This journey has taken me to earning a PhD in Aviation with focus on safety. What needs to be changed? This year take time to read all three novels in the series. You will understand the challenges. True courage will come when I publish the non-fiction book. The essence of which may be woven throughout the pages of these novels.
I will have the courage to stand up for what is right, despite the fear of what may happen. Besides, experience creates resilience and safety management systems are designed to be proactive. There is no excuse to not do the right thing.
This is the year that I push through
the doors of fear, and create change necessary to improve aviation safety!
What is your resolution?
If you don't have one, or want another...
commit to joining me on
the Fight For Safety!
What about the Future?
World change comes from education
and inspiring our children.

Health and Happiness
throughout the New Year!
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene