Contract Airline Services

"We are the protagonists of our stories called life, and there is no limit to how high we can fly."

PHD. MBA. MHS. Type rated on A350, A330, B777, B747-400, B747-200, B757, B767, B737, B727. International Airline Pilot / Author / Speaker. Dedicated to giving the gift of wings to anyone following their dreams. Supporting Aviation Safety through training, writing, and inspiration. Fighting for Aviation Safety and Airline Employee Advocacy. Safety Culture and SMS change agent.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

My Life is Not Over

 It's Just Going to Be Different! 

January 24, 2023 I lost my First Class Medical Certificate. Sometimes life throws at us what we don't expect. My health has suffered in the shadow of the seven years of hell I went through at the hands of Delta management. I fought the good fight, and I won, and won again thanks to the truth, an incredible attorney Lee Seham, and honorable Judge Morris. Delta finally settled in the fall of 2022, but nothing has changed. 

Nobody has been held accountable at Delta, and all those who participated in the action continued employment and some were even promoted. Even a Senior Delta VP found a position as the FAA administrator despite the company proven to have violated Federal Law. The most interesting aspect of my case is that Delta violated the Federal Regulation Safety Management System (SMS), and the FAA Administrator who enacted that very regulation is sitting on Delta's board and did nothing.  

For my health, and the determination that I could do more to create change on the outside of Delta than on the inside, I made a life decision to retire on January 31, 2023. 

For anyone who does not know what transpired in Petitt vs Delta please read The Seattle Times article and watch the Maximus YouTube video for an eye-opening experience. 

By Dominic Gates 

By Maximus Aviation 

While I shined a light on a serious industry issue of retaliation against employees who report safety concerns, my 7-year battle with Delta Air Lines has proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the AIR21 Statute is flawed. The law enabled Delta to engage in a war of attrition against me. I survived, but they took an 11-year career in the process. We must ensure this never happens to anyone ever again. 

The behavior that Delta has proven to get away with, despite their loss in multiple courts, places passengers worldwide at risk. Safety demands that ground floor employees are allowed to speak out, and not fear retaliation when they identify high-risk behavior. Delta has proven that the highest level executives can retaliate without accountability. 

I may be stepping out of the flightdeck, but I am stepping into a position of shining a floodlight on what happened to me to ensure it will never happen to anyone ever again. I did not sign an NDA when I settled with Delta. Now that I am retired, I am free to speak.

Please join me in viewing my event as an opportunity to create much needed change. I have formed a petition to change the AIR21 Statute.  Please, take the time to click on the link below and sign the petition. Share it with everyone you know and ask them to do the same. This in the one way we can turn a negative into a positive: 

If you would like to read the details of the law change you can find that here: 

Law Change: AIR21 Aviation Advocate Reform Act 

"They always say time changes things, 
but you actually have to change them yourself." 

Andy Warhol

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Your accomplishments are outstanding. Keep in touch.

  2. Karlene the blue Angel team was with you all the way the timing is perfect because greater things are now be able to be taken on by you. Congratulations to this ionic step.

    1. Oh... Thank you!! I think those angeles and flying with a few eagles guiding the way. It's difficult to take that leap into the unknown... but the future is filled with opportunity! I appreciate the kind words and congratulations!

  3. Karlene, your career, your writing, your dedication, determination and desire is inspirational. You have achieved so much and strived so hard for the industry. Now it's you time, relax, spend family time. As someone who left the industry many years ago through ill health, I have enjoyed sharing your ups n downs.

    1. Marc, Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm enjoying every moment...Much work to do, but we can do that on the outside! To good health and happiness along the way!

  4. Karlene, a couple of years ago, I found your profile on LinkedIn and started to follow your journey. Even you won the case, it's horrible that the managers responsible for destroying your career could walk away. During my career, I have experienced unjust practices, but nothing like you have been through. Not being an holder of an FAA licence, I'm not qualified to sign your peptition, but you have my full support. You are an inspiration for many aviatiors, and I hope many more will follow in your footsteps. As Mac said, it's time for you to spend family time. The purpose of being a grandparent is to spoil the grandchildren!

  5. Karlene, congratulations on a very successful career! You have achieved so much, and I have a feeling that will continue, no matter what you do! God bless you for taking on a “Goliath” and winning the battle. It was a pleasure to work with you. 🤗

    1. Thank you very much!! I will continue and appreciate your comment very much!

  6. I have read your writing, first of all I wish you great health and retirement and I totally can relate to you aviation safety concerns.
    All the best..

    1. I think that everyone should be concerned about these concerns! I'm sorry you can relate... that is not a good sign. Yes... we shall keep the good fight for safety going. Thank you for signing and sharing the petition.

  7. Thank you Karlene for showing to the public the dirty management face of aviation. Keep going you are not alone

    1. Thank you!! It feels good to not be alone, and I plan to be there for everyone who feels that way! Together we will create change!!

  8. Karlen your positive mind is admirable!🌹 I know what it means to leave the aviation for health reasons and how hard it is to bear. I wish you a lot of success. 🍀🍀🍀

    1. Thank you Jenny!! I actually wrote that line in my book, Flight for Truth... when the company was out to get Darby. The same manner in which they were out to get me. I had to tell myself back then, "They might get away with this, but your life is not over, it will just be different." I believed it then...I believe it now. But thankfully for the honest and integrity filled folks at the Mayo Clinic they did not get away with their plan. All will be good.

  9. Your experience, strength, and thorough advice have helped me, and will help others keep their career on track. I’m sad to hear that you lost your medical, and hope it’s nothing serious. Good luck with the next phase of your life.

    1. Thank you so much! I will bounce back now that I am out of the toxic environment. All will be good. We shall keep helping others and create much needed change!!

  10. Karlene, your experience, strength, and sage advice helped me, and will help others keep their career on track, when haters will try to end it. I’m sorry to hear you lost your medical and hope it’s nothing serious. Good luck in the next phase of your life and thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Brigitte.

    1. Brigitte, Thank you! I am so glad I could help. Together we will make a difference.... won't happen under our watch. Watching you succeed through all is worth more than you know!

  11. Karlene, you are an amazing person. I think I said before that if I had half your energy, drive and determination, I would get twice as much done as I actually do.

    1. Paul, Thank you! Retirement is to do nothing... right? Haha.

  12. Karlene, you have accomplished what most people wouldn’t be able to. I envy you and I have also given my life to aviation.
    Today, I have 34 aircraft ratings and as a TRI on the A330/350, I am able to share my experience with all my trainees.
    Keep up the good work and truth will prevail.

    1. Keep sharing that experience... they need it!! I really appreciate your kind words. They warm my heart. Thank you!

  13. Captain Bruce BanningFebruary 16, 2023 at 8:47 PM

    Sorry to hear that you lost your medical and couldn’t continue your career Karlene. Especially after getting recertified after winning the lawsuit. Your determination, education and sheer guts are proof that all of us feel this career is worth fighting to the bitter end for. It had to be trying for all those years to be fighting not only City Hall, but the Federal Government as well. And to be shamefully offered up to management by ALPA was a complete travesty, rather than doing their fiduciary responsibility on your behalf.
    You have won the respect of most people I know, and certainly myself as well. So few people recognize how professionally and thoroughly you represented ALL of us. Well done ma’am! Excuse me, Captain ma’am!
    Tailwinds and fair skies to your next endeavor; it’s certain to be successful. There is life after the Airline.

    1. Thank you Bruce! I will get my medical back, leaving was a choice beyond that. When you live in a toxic environment, you just have to get out to heal. I made the right move. ALPA's involvement was a travesty. I'm hoping they do the right thing and help support the law change. We'll see. Thank you so much for your kind words!!!

  14. Karlene, Thank you. All the comments above are so well-deserved, I echo all their sentiments. I can say without fear of contradiction that you have established yourself as the All-Time Global Leader in Keeping Passengers, Crews, and The Public Safe.” Jerry Lederer and the other greats will willingly make room for you. All the very best.

    1. Ken, you are way too kind! I am simply glad that I was able to fly into London before my retirement. Thank you so much for the kind words and we have some work to do with the medical industry too!

  15. Karlene, Thanks. Sue and I so enjoyed meeting you in London, we look forward to the next time. If civil aviation globally has developed the systems it needs, but has been sliding backwards in the execution in some places, the medical sector in the UK, that is the NHS, private healthcare, regulators, professions, Government, etc., have not yet realised they even need the systems!!

    1. It was so nice to meet Su too! You are an amazing couple of strength. I think this fix needs to be in all sectors where people make wrong decisions for money and place others in harms way. Then attack those who call foul. We have work to do!

  16. well done, count on me to be by your side.

  17. You are one of the strongest people that I know. You have been to hell and back with this lawsuit. Congratulations on your retirement and your outstanding career. I know that you will continue the fight. I am honored and proud to call you my friend.

    1. Roger, Thank you so much for your kind words!! It's my honor to call you my friend. Thank you!!!

  18. Airline Flight Operations management positions are filled by pilots and whilst we all know how to fly, very few pilots have the training or administrative experience to be managers. When the inevitable errors are made, the cover-up attempts range from excuses to retaliation. In my experience, this is true across all aviation backgrounds and national cultures. All the best .


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