Contract Airline Services

"We are the protagonists of our stories called life, and there is no limit to how high we can fly."

PHD. MBA. MHS. Type rated on A350, A330, B777, B747-400, B747-200, B757, B767, B737, B727. International Airline Pilot / Author / Speaker. Dedicated to giving the gift of wings to anyone following their dreams. Supporting Aviation Safety through training, writing, and inspiration. Fighting for Aviation Safety and Airline Employee Advocacy. Safety Culture and SMS change agent.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Karen Perry Living Strong

Friday's Fabulous Flyer 

 Karen Perry 

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Karen Perry at the Women in Aviation Conference. Karen has been a Flight Attendant for Delta Air Lines for 30 years, and while we have yet to fly together I am certainly looking forward to it. It was such an honor to meet her.

Karen is not only a flight attendant, but she also holds her commercial pilot license and flight instructor certificate. Her previous career included flying an air ambulance, and flying as a corporate, and commercial airline pilot. But it's not what Karen does with her life that makes her special, it's the fact she continues to live, despite the challenges that have been thrown her way, not to mention the nightmare that became her life. 


One might thing Karen's story of strength began when she was a divorced, single mother of three young children, two of which were special needs. One with Autism another Epilepsy. I'm sure Karen believed her battle with cancer twice in a decade would be her toughest hours. But she would have been wrong.

Karen's real strength began on November 23, 2011, Thanksgiving evening, when all three of her children... her daughter Morgan (9), and her sons Logan(8) and Luke(6) were flying with their father, Shawn, when they crashed into the Superstition Mountains in Arizona.... literally in her back yard.

Karen lost her entire family in that accident.

Karen’s memoir, Angels Three: The Karen Perry Story shares the journey called her life as an aviator, a mother and a survivor.  How could someone find the strength to survive such a tragedy?
Her book was released in October 2015 and I am honored to have an autographed copy. I am looking forward to going inside Karen’s world of aviation, share her battle with cancer, her challenges with parenting special needs children, and then her living through my worst nightmare, and learning how she came out the other end with a smile. We know the pain will never end, but she has proven there is a way to survive.

Her grief took her on another journey to find out what happened, and why. I’m told her search for the truth lead to a startling revelation, a legal battle with the Federal Aviation Administration, and a troubling question: Was the crash avoidable

I am looking forward to reading her story, but I know the tissues will be standing by.  What an amazing person Karen is, and I am honored to know her.  Her life puts our little obstacles we experience into perspective. 

Today Karen has turned that horrific tragedy into hope as she is the president and co-founder of non-profit organization 3Wings Of Life.  They offer various programs to educate and uplift children. Take a moment to check out the site at....3Wings 

And be sure to read...
Click on the link above, Buy the book,
And remember to leave a comment on Amazon...

 Karen, Thank you 
for being such an inspiration! 
Enjoy the Journey!
Sometimes Life is too Short.
XO Karlene


  1. My goodness that poor woman, can't believe so much bad luck. Obviously there is no higher power in charge of life.

    1. No kidding! And yet she survives, thrives and is giving back to the children. Pretty amazing!!
      Thanks for your comment!

  2. When we look people in the face for the first time, we never know their background nor the amount of strength they have.

    I have never read of such strength in my life so far. Her story truly hits hard because of my professional background working mostly with adults on the spectrum as well as other special needs. It's one thing to be a parent and hear the diagnosis but to loose them on top of it all. All and each three of those kids had very special souls that no human could understand, other than their parents. Karen was very lucky to have them and now they are shining down on her giving her even more strength.

    I would love to meet her sometime - One reason why I need to make it to WIA next year. For now, I will bookmark and purchase her book.

    1. Jeremy, Thank you so much for the beautiful comment! I hope you will meet her one day. You know what the challenges were and then the loss... it's hard to imagine. She is an amazing lady with strength. After you read her story, can hardly wait to read your write up, too. :) We shall meet next year for sure!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!