Four Minutes Before Impact!
A350, B777, A330, B747-400, B747-200, B767, B757, B737, B727
Four Minutes Before Impact!
Gratitude to my Readers!
Today Flight To Success is on the Book of the Day Club at a special price for you! I am thankful to the Book of the Day Club, but I am celebrating all my readers this year by offering them a chance to win a really fun car, with special memories, love taps, and a story as to why I purchased this car twice.
Buy a paper version of ANY Book on my site, and you get two entries per your autographed book. If you purchase off this blog, or my website bookstore I will be notified. The bookstore is new, and not sure on the functionality, so thanks for working with me if there are technical issues, and we will sort it out. If you are charged too much shipping for multiple orders off the website, I will fix that for you.
Buy audible (only flight for control so far) and email me at and show proof of purchase, and you get an entry.
Buy any ebook and email me at and show proof of purchase, and you get an entry.
Buy any book off Amazon and show proof of purchase and get an entry.
Leave a comment on Amazon, and send me a copy of the posting and get another entry!
Send a picture of you reading one of the paper books and get an entry!