Four Minutes Before Impact!
A350, B777, A330, B747-400, B747-200, B767, B757, B737, B727
Four Minutes Before Impact!
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The Jeju Crash
When Pilots Panic
¶ 129 - “[Janning] advised FBI investigators of the significance of 2.C.language, and that her removal from all flying duties was actually a veiled threat to force Ms. Janning into a retaliatory psychological evaluation for reporting her incident to federal authorities.”¶ 131 - “The DOJ immediately intervened and prohibited their federally protected witness from being threatened further.”¶ 132 - “As a result of SWA’s retaliatory actions against Ms. Janning, primarily those of Cpt. Newton, the DOJ Prosecutor warned SWA, that Cpt. Newton’s, December 9, 2020 correspondence [2.C. email] jeopardized, their Federal case, and the victim’s privacy, by revealing their primary witness by name and home address, and exposed her to scrutiny by revealing her participation in a federal investigation.”¶133 - The DOJ instructed Southwest to retain outside counsel because Newton’s email displayed a reckless disregard of the truth, and he exercise no ordinary care in the distribution of the misinformation, but he also violated Federal laws and DOJ and FBI policy when he disseminated his emails to a multitude of SWA and SWAPA employees of their investigation.”¶ 134 - “The FBI and DOJ, warned Cpt. Newton, and SWA Legal, of possible, ‘prison time’ for their disclosure and interference and insinuated that charges may be a possibility.”
"In the case of the ASAP, SWAPA has had to put the Company on notice on multiple occasions due to their propensity to schedule disciplinary meetings despite ASAP and ERC [event review committee] recommendations."
"Disciplinary Meetings at an All Time High"
"The individuals responsible for creating our current safety and training problems cannot be the ones in charge of fixing them. And yet, kingdoms continued to be protected."
Southwest Management is using the ASAP system to punish pilots, while at the same time they are hiding behind it to protect themselves!
We all know pilots talk. And when those evaluating these cases are appalled by management's behavior nothing is sacred. Here we have a union upset that the company is using the system to punish the pilots, and yet management is running amok, withholding information from the captain, allowed a plane to operate illegally and then hid behind the ASAP system.