Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Fall Back!

I hope you had a great Halloween Weekend! 

To some who think they get an extra hour of sleep, there are others who count on that extra hour to work. I found myself, once again, writing at the end of a very long week. Last Sunday after arriving on a flight from Seoul Korea, I burned the midnight oil to get my statistics homework complete.

The week following was filled with homework, catching up on life necessities, and then fate through some snags on Thursday. Within an hour and a half, my phone blacked out and died. I rushed home and showered, and off to get a new phone but car screeched when I started it (three times). Fan belt I think. My husband was out of town. Seattle's wrath fell from the sky. I had to be at my granddaughter's school with this car for an event in 45 minutes!

I took the summer car to get a new phone. When I returned, I said a little prayer before the fourth attempt at starting the suburban, and she started up. A 12% charged phone kept me security if I broke down along the way. I made it to the event. At 630 I headed home, did quick change and my Mom took me to the airport at 7 pm. Off to Vegas. A quick nap in Vegas and I got the last seat to Austin then next morning. Dick joined us on Saturday after his Breeders Cup Vegas adventures.


A fun night of trick or treating with the little ones Friday, some great baby time, and the weekend was cut short as non-reving after a formula-one weekend was not going to happen on Monday. I wallet-whipped a couple tickets on Alaska for a Sunday night flight. 

Homework never ends. Sunday morning I finished a first edit on my paper around 0100. 0530 brought kids who didn't know they were getting another hour of sleep awake. The day began. Then, while my hubby was out golfing with our son-in-law, and my daughter and granddaughter were napping, I was sitting at a miniature table having lunch with a three-year-old. Peanut butter and jelly and fresh fruit, with Blues Clues on the television for him. For me.... a laptop, as I edited my human factors homework (multi-tasking at its best) and submitted before I headed out of town, homeward bound.

Tired yet?

This week there are some amazing events coming up. 

Blogging in Formation (BIF) started off a week of gratitude. I'm believing that pilots are plane people who give back. So stay tuned to see what the BIF team is doing.

The week ahead: 
 We missed our little Bend Trick or Treaters this Halloween
But will see them in two weeks! 

Enjoy the journey!
XO Karlene 

Thank you so much for reading and sharing my novels Flight For Control and Flight For Safety with your friends. If you haven't left a comment on Amazon, please do so. It helps so very much! 


  1. I don't know how you do it! I'm exhausted just reading all that!!! :)

    1. Ha. Ha. Thus the skeleton photo! Okay... so sometimes I don't do it very well. My paper, that I worked so diligently on, I submitted in 6 pages, as I did not know the references were inclusive. My professor is awesome and allowed me to fix it. I made her smile at the power of fatigue. Hopefully I won't lose too many points. It's all a learning process!

  2. Looks like everyone had a great Halloween. Love the skeleton photo. It says so much, almost 1000 words. Ha ha.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!