Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Motivation: Reflection of Attitude


“How you interpret life is a reflection of your attitude.”

Flying an A330 across the Atlantic and back, I’ve seen 320’s, 340’s, and 380’s. While some think they are beautiful, others think otherwise. Some love them. Some don't understand them. It’s all on your interpretation. In my mind, what plane isn’t beautiful when she's brilliant?

What is the difference between Airbus and Boeing?

It's all about interpretation....


"Airbus is an automatic airplane that you can hand fly.
Boeing is a manual airplane with automation bolted on."

Attitude is Everything. Did you notice the cup in the first photo? It has been on a journey with me around the world, and it could be yours! Keep track of it, and one day this week, I'll tell you how to enter a chance to win it.

Enjoy the Journey! 

Flight For Safety continues: 12645 words


  1. As a child of the '60s and '70s, it is difficult for me to find anything other than the shape of the classic Boeing fuselage as beautiful. The 707, 727 and 737s, which had replaced the Electras and DC-7's at the local airport, had an ageless grace in their appearance which has not been replicated.

    Even the later Boeing products have fallen short. The 747, was visually freakish until gotten used to. The 757 is interesting though not beautiful. The 767 is a yawner, the triple seven rather bulbous. The 787 has potential, we shall see how that goes.

    Once Douglas took the propellers off of their products, my appreciation waned. The stretched DC 8s came close to the beauty of those early Boeing jets with the stretched models. The -73 that United and UPS flew were the best looking of that Douglas lot, those fans hanging off of the wing adding something to the package.

    The Convair jets had a unique look, though as their numbers were few one rarely got an opportunity to see what they were about.

    Frankly, I find the common Airbus to be visually bland, though I like the look of the 340. I think that has as much to do with the number of engines hanging off of the wing as the look of the fuselage.

    The 380, though certainly not bland, is just plain ugly - a visual monster.

    As with many subjects, our admiration of airplanes has as much to do with taste and preferences as it does with substance. We separate function from beauty and often the subjective wins over objectivity.

    I'm just sayin'.

    1. Capt. Schmoe, oh... you've spent many years enjoying the beauty of Boeing...but there is beauty everywhere. While the 380 is a beast, when she's enroute, and hanging on her wings, powering through the air, she has her own beauty. And... a really big but.
      The most beautiful... 787 flying. She will bring tears to your eyes.
      Thanks for your comment... you have an eye... I'm just sayin'. :)

  2. I love that cup! Attitude is Everything is my mantra. :))

  3. All airplanes are beautiful. Some in their own way.

    1. YES! I think so too. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  4. Thank you very much for sharing a motivational words with cool photos.I like the photos!!!!!!

    I have been waiting for the checkride for about 10 days,and I have no idea when is the I got a lot of frustration though this might not good idea.I had better change the way how to think.
    I agree that our attitude makes our life.
    Have a great day,
    Warm regards,

    1. Yes Jun, change the way you think. Patience... it's a virtue. The time will come and you will fly and all will be good. Then send me some photos! Maybe this week!

  5. I Love your Airplane.. Amazing technology.. a Pilots dream.. Easy on the eyes, information at your fingertips.. And a cup shelf to boot..LOL..

    1. Yes... and a great cup. It's a beauty and everyone has been saying... "What's with the cup?"

  6. Thats Me above... ha ha.. I do not know how that bing logo got there.. shoulda been my pic.. lol


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!