Tuesday, May 15, 2012

ROME with Attitude!

I've been busy working, enjoying my layover and writing. So this will will be complete photo journalism... There isn't enough time to do everything! Remember... it's all about the Attitude!



Enjoy life wherever it may take you. Keep watching for the cup filled with attitude, it could be yours! 

Enjoy the Journey!

Flight For Safety: 13544 words


  1. Thrill of flying and travel !!!!

    1. Yes... it's so much fun. I highly recommend everyone should do it!

  2. Gorgeous. I was in Rome years and years ago, and have always wanted to go back. What a fabulous, crazy, beautiful town! (So did you drink that Lion water???)

    1. I think you can drink the lion water... people drink out of the fountains... pure spring water. But, I didn't. :) Just having some fun with attitude.

  3. It is definitely all about attitude, love that. I hope you had a great time in Rome, it looks amazing! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. :)

    1. We had a great time. And life is all about attitude. Thank you for the comment!

  4. I love how you've taken pictures of the cup, located around the world! Awesome idea! I am bringing my travel companion, the teddy bear Sophie to Washington DC. She might enjoy the view of the Capitol, Space Shuttle Discovery and the White House, to name a few. :-)

    Attitude is everything! With the right attitude, anything is possible. And if you find yourself in an unusual attitude, it's possible to recover! :)

    1. Cecilie, you are the best. Can I use this statement... "With the right attitude, anything is possible. And if you find yourself in an unusual attitude, it's possible to recover!"
      Sounds like a great Monday Motivation!

      Next time I'll take my book... but for this trip, I am supporting a pilot starting his business. More to come on that later in the week. Yes... Sophie must travel the world.

      Thanks for your comment.

    2. Of course you can!
      I'm bringing your book too, and the business cards you gave me, on my trip to DC. Truth is, I might jump into someone who is interested in aviation and safety (I mean, I'm traveling with an airline after all :)...)

      You're very welcome!

  5. Sorry I missed you while you were in Rome!
    Love the photos with attitude :-D

    1. Me too! Next time we'll plot. I'll ditch the guys and we'll have girl time.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!