Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Way to go Easy Jet!

Female Pilots on the Rise! 

"Social progress can be measured 
by the social position of the female sex."
Karl Marx

Enjoy the Journey!
XOX Karlene 


  1. We are more focused on explanation and the logic of it rather than what makes life fulfilling. Truth has to be comprehended rather than explained. With the power of “Being”, one can see the beauty of life and from that inner space, one can tap one’s potentiality to reach one’s goal. The goal is not equal to success, but the way you reach the goal - with joy, with love, with passion, with a commitment, with creativity that itself is a success. Then reaching your goal is an expansion of success, the tapping of one’s inner beauty and potential. This is a different and meditative way of looking at life. spiritual master in india

  2. Okay Swami, I never post spam that comes in the form of comments. But for you... I will change that today. Because everyone should learn the power of being, and the essence of joy, love, passion, commitment and creativity and how that impacts success. Thus, you have my blessing to spam me with your message. Namaste.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!