Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Royal Flush Birthday

54 Years Young on 54

The Golden Birthday... commonly known as the Lucky Birthday is when your age is the date you were born. My golden birthday was when I turned 4 on the 4th. However, there is also the Oldy Goldy birthday... commonly known as the Royal Flush Birthday. That's when your double digit age occurs on the month and date of the same year. Thus... 54 on May 4th (54) is my Oldy Goldy, ie. Royal Flush Birthday... the Super Lucky Birthday. 

So...  legend says that if you play poker on this date, you get dealt a Royal Flush. Thus... I am about to test that theory. All in the name of science of course. I will report my findings! 

My Birthday Wish?

For everyone spread the word about my novels! Share them with a friend. Gift an ebook to someone. Leave a comment on Amazon. Truth in fiction is becoming more true than fiction ... and that has become the scariest part of thriller writing. 

First there was... 

Imagine writing a novel, Flight For Control, with the theme of mental health embedded within the world of aviation. And then two months after your novel is released a captain is locked out of the flight deck by his first officer, after he suffers from a mental breakdown. What if he hadn't been locked out? And then four years later a Germanwings first officer successfully locks the captain out of the fight deck and flies his plane into the mountains. Read more here...

Then there was... 


Imagine writing a novel and Asiana crashes in San Francisco, and you have a scene that mirrors that event. And then your pilots are flying an A330 to Singapore as a storm builds, they get caught ... and two years later Air Asia takes the same route and flies into that storm but crashes. Fiction that mirrors truth.  Read more here... 

And Finally Arrived...

Imagine being an author working on your PhD at the same time you are an airline pilot. What if all those worlds merged into one exciting adventure, where truth was scarier than fiction and the lines between your worlds blurred? You would write the novel Flight For Survival.
Read more here...

The Story doesn't end there... 

Flight For Novel
is on it's way!
February, 2017 

My birthday wish is for everyone to spread the word about these novels. Buy your best friend an Ebook (or autographed paper version) and get them hooked on the series! Give them the gift that will continue to give back to aviation. Join me on My One Wish for Aviation... And remember to leave comments on Amazon!

Your Support is so very much Appreciated!!

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Happy birthday, Captain!
    54, and so much more. :)

    Say, I'd like to order one of your

    Should I buy your 1st one, or your most
    recent one?

    1. Thank you Paul! You are a poet and you didn't know it! Okay, I'm thinking you have to start at the beginning. It will be more fun that way when you read them all. :) Thank you!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!