Monday, January 18, 2016

I Have A Dream!

Monday Motivation Update!! 

I was consumed with work over the previous week. 20 hour days on the computer, followed by not enough sleep. This morning I awoke (after a ten-hour nap) and said, "It's a holiday!" I lost track of time. So back to the present as the gift that it is.

In Honor of MLK! 

Why all this work? I am living on faith that I am doing the right thing, for the right reasons. My One Wish is the dream. I finished the next iteration of edits, and then sent my book off to my final, professional, line editor. Why was it so important to get this book out? 

Timing of Taking a Position!

For anyone who has read Flight For Control, and Flight For Safety, can see the parallels of truth that unfold after my books were written. Flight For Survival is no different. My education and research has rolled into this third novel, which is mirroring my life and pursuit of what is necessary, right and in our industry for everyone concerned.... if you fly, or ride as a passenger, my life is for you! 

Great Leaders give the rest of us 
courage to take a stand 
and do the right thing!
Thank You
Martin Luther King Jr. 

Join me in the move Forward!

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene  


  1. Karlene,

    As I read this article I could only think of two things. The first was that before I got married to my wife, I told her that if I ever died in a plane crash she could expect that pilot error would be the cause. It would be up to her and the other families to investigate to find the real cause of the crash.

    Secondly, I thought about you and all the work you are doing out there behind the scenes. Get your PhD and start making things like this go away.


    1. Rob, Thank you so much for your comment! That's funny, as I told my husband the same thing. Then I told my mother, too, as my mother would kick butt.

      You are going to love the third novel... so will your wife. :) I had a line exactly representing your point. Then I heard of this crash.

      I am working diligently on this, and learning so much... I will make things like this go away. I promise I will make a difference for the better.

      To blame the pilots for processes is ridiculous. Yes... I won't let this go!
      Thank you!!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!