Friday, October 18, 2013

Krysta Wogen

Friday's Fabulous Flyer


Happy Birthday Baby!

October 18, 1985 I was giving birth to our youngest daughter. Third time is a charm and we were definitely blessed with this baby. Goofy was the perfect costume for her because she has always made us laugh. A great sense of humor. Beautiful. And smart... what can we say?

From her high school job of nanny to her grown up job of teacher. Krysta holds a Masters in Education and is married to Torrey. She has lived and worked in Seattle, Chicago and now Austin. She decided to go to school in Chicago... and off she flew. She worked hard, studied hard, played hard... and has created a beautiful life for herself. 

We wish they all lived closer to Seattle... but she is happy and that's what counts.


Krysta with her Dad and her son Carter with Grampy

She has a wonderful family...

But her most important contribution(s) to the world is she is she's an incredible mother to Carter and soon Hayden... due in January.

Her Dad and I are so proud of her and the woman she has become. And while we are in Bend babysitting her niece and nephew on her special day, I will see her next week. We'll go on our birthday date and play with Carter.

Happy Birthday Krysta! 


We love you!
XOX Mom and Dad


  1. Dear Krysta san,

    Happy Birthday to you. I am so happy for you that you have a wonderful family!
    Have a beautiful day.

    warm regards,

    1. Thank you Jun! Wait until you see how big Carter is. He will still make you so happy.

  2. Woo! Happy birthday, Krysta!!!

    I still haven't met you, but your mother is brilliant, so I will presume you are brilliant as well!

    Celebrate and dance! lol


    1. Ha ha.. I cannot compare to the Krysta. Thank you Alex!

  3. Thanks for sharing the wonder family notes - and pix with us, Karlene. What a wonderful tribe you and Mr. P. have created. Handsome, healthy and happy is one thing, but the grand kids are toooo cute. You got it right on those landings and no go around is necessary. -C.

    1. Thank you so much Craig. Yes... they are all way too cute. Watching happy feet right now with a cute one eating yogurt in the miniature chair that matches the one I'm sitting in. Nice to sit down for a moment. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Happy Birthday, Krysta!! Thank you Karlene for this great post. She should have many more happy and healthy!!

    1. Thank you Jeremy, I know she will have many, many more!!!


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