Monday, July 1, 2013

The Power of Creation

"I become part of life's creation by being willing to contribute to it's creation as well."

I just returned from my trip. Manchester was beautiful, and I brought them the sunshine as promised... if only for a day. I had the opportunity to meet with my friend Ryan Lock for dinner. Short night and back to Atlanta. "4" gate changes created a wonderful diversion between flights, with excellent exercise during the three-hour wait for my flight to Seattle. And I had the opportunity to meet some fabulous people that I will keep in touch with on this journey called life.

But a promise is a promise. And today I promised to write about creativity and creation, and the power within all of us. Which took me to the meaning of life. Why are we running around this earth, or flying as the case may be? What is the purpose of life? Of our existence? Our pain, and our joy...

Perhaps the purpose is nothing other than to create. 

Everything in our lives was once the spark of someone's imagination, and someone's creation. But the stuff is not as important as the lives we touch, and relationships we create along the way. One little girl and her mother left a special imprint on mine.

Walking through a terminal of thousands I stopped a young girl and said, "You need to come and be a pilot with me." I gave her wings. This was a first for me. I chat with the kids and give wings while I hang out at the gate, but not as a practice do I stop someone on a mission to their flight. But tonight I did. 

Why her?

Little did I know that her father had died in a plane crash five years ago. Mom told me they don't hang out with pilots much any more, but Elizabeth has flight suits and holds onto the dream her father once had. Her smile spoke volumes. Flying was a gift that her father had loved, and had taken him away. The amazing thing was her mother's love of life. She is teaching her daughter how to live. These two ladies are living... Not the life they had planned, but an incredible life all the same.

We had changed gates for the second time and as I walked past their gate, Elizabeth came running up to say hello again. And of course we had to take a picture together. Maybe creation is a decision to live a life of your making. Whether you paint a picture, write a book, plant a garden, have a baby, or go on living life to the fullest when tragedy strikes...

Creation is About Life.

What will you leave this world when your time is done? I know of one pilot who left a beautiful child who I am so glad to know. And Elizabeth, you will get a first edition book, "I Can, Because I Am" And this post proves one more thing, that creativity strikes with life. Get out there and live, you will have something to special to write about.

What sparks your creativity?

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. This is a beautiful story Karlene! I can't believe how you stopped a "random" girl who turned out to be not so random after all.

    I'm sure you made a lasting impact on her life.

    Thanks so much for sharing, put a smile on my face,
    -Swayne Martin

    1. Thank you so much Swayne! Yes... it was strange. I'm still wondering how that happened. Or why. But sometimes life works in strange ways.

  2. WOW! Post bookmarked!

    Elizabeth, follow what Karlene is saying. Live your life to the fullest! Smile everyday, be kind and shine! If you want to become a pilot, then certainly Karlene gave you the right wings. ;)

    What sparks my creativity?
    Light, flight, sound and life. I don't know how to explain how light triggers my creativity, but it does! I find quite funny.

    Karlene, every flight is a new chapter, a lesson to learn, a gift, right?

    Big hugs!

    1. Thank you Alex, Life sparks mine. I see things and there is always an idea attached. Going full speed life is, I wish it would slow down...but I'm there for the ride. And creating is so much fun!

  3. Wow! Now that is a Friday Flyer if I ever heard of one!


    1. Wouldn't that be a story unto itself. Not sure where this event will take her, but she's a doll and I know her father will be proud wherever she ends up!

  4. Dangit Karlene!

    I don't get emotional when you post about the flap system on the Airbus.

    That is a story that is so much better than anything I have ever written.

    Thank You.

    1. Ahh... you are so kind. Thank you for this kind comment. I think we live long enough, life touches us in different ways... we realize what it's all about.

  5. Karlene - I love this story (it reminds me a little of my own), and I love that you hand out wings to kids and inspire them.

    You inspire me, and I'm far from being a kid (until you put me in the pilot's seat, then at least I FEEL like one)!


    1. Ahh... Thank you! Yes, I am the wing lady. The kids love them, and I love giving them out, too. A symbol of many things. And... an idea for another post. Thanks for your comment!!
      PS... YOU inspire me!

  6. Wow - that is such a touching story Karlene!! What a great read!!!

    1. Thank you Mark, I was afraid to write... 25 hours awake and counting... but ah, what the heck. Sometimes the words need to come out, even in a fatigued induced state, when special moments happen.
      Thanks for your comment.

  7. That's so cool! Stories like that give me chills! I just love it when completely random things, like you walking through the terminal, turn out to be a much larger and richer experience and for no apparent reason.
    Life is amazing!

  8. This trip was a blessing. As we discussed, all that happened and obviously continued to happen brings us as humans to live, learn and understand the power of connectivity in body, mind and soul.

    You are special, Karelene. But, what is even more special is that for whatever reason you are drawn to positivity even if it involves misery -and for that you are blessed.

    Thank you.

    1. Oh Ryan, Thank you so much! Yes, a great discussion and we needed more time. Especially now! Power of connectivity is so true.

      Positivity in the time of misery... that was a gift Elizabeth's mother had too. I think it's a choice we can all make.

      Thank you for the great comment!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!