Friday, June 28, 2013

Michael Combs Inspires the World

Friday's Fabulous Flyer...

Michael did not have money. He did not know how to fly. And his health was so poor that he fought for life daily. His heart stopped twice over the span of three days, and his doctors did not believe he would survive. But none of this stopped him from living his life to the fullest. 


Living... he broke "5 world records" in a REMOS light sport aircraft, and is getting ready for another! How did he do this? He learned the secret of finding harmony in life. 

How did he make his dream to fly come true? 
Michael said, "I am a pilot!"

Michael landed in all 50 states in his Flight For the Human Spirit. But what makes this amazing is that he did this because of his spirit. An attitude that he would live his life to the fullest by using all his God given talents to become everything he could be. He believed in himself.

"It's never too late to follow your dreams"

Michael has written several books, composes music, painted hundreds of paintings, and has inspired thousands worldwide. He has inspired me. 

He tells us that we must all create the power to say, "I am!" That statement resonated within me. I wrote a children's book called, "I Can, Because I Am."  One of my daughters is illustrating it and we'll see the results this summer. But I had no idea on the power of that message until I listened to Michale's interview (below). I had wanted to buy a plane when I retired. But why do I have to wait? If I was not committed before... I am now. 


I listened to Michael tell us to use our talents. He paints, creates music and writes books. For those of you who know me, I began painting this year, too. We all receive messages in our life, when it's time to hear, we will. This is my time. Could it be yours too? 

Michaels messages are so powerful, and hit home on so many levels. I needed more, so I clicked on: and purchased his book, and a CD.

"Hope for the Human Spirit."

Michael Combs is a person living for a purpose. I think that purpose is to inspire us, and convey that we can be anything we want. We all we have that power within us, despite the limitations we think we have. He is the gift of opportunity that is knocking on your door today.

A New World Record? Coast to Coast! Believe it!

Michael joined my friend, Christina Nitschmann at Savvy Central Radio, and they discussed how he survived his heart issues. More than survival, how he is achieving his dreams. His secrets to success and survival skills are something that we can all use to make our lives profitable. Not to be confused with prosperity... An amazing analogy, and a concept that I had not thought of before listening to the interview. I will not tell any more secrets... you must listen to Michael for yourself.

"Michael is by far one of the most inspirational people I know. Showing by his life lived, that nothing is impossible if you go for it with all your heart and might"  Christina Nitschmann


Click: Michael Combs and become inspired!

What limitations have you placed on yourself? How will you change those to achieve your dreams? What lessons can you learn from Michael, and what can you share with the world? Today is about becoming inspired and sharing that inspiration with the world. 

Follow Michael on Twitter @Combscoach

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. WOW - what a story!! And - a totally inspirational person!!!

    1. Thank you Mark! He is so inspiring. I'm excited to get his book. You know... this is what we use to feed our soul.

  2. Karlene, you never cease to amaze me with the the most inspirational people. Michael is living proof of this. We all have a purpose in this world and he is living up to his purpose. Yes, we have limitations and obstacles. If we didn't have them, it would not shape and mold us into the potential of becoming the people we truly are meant to be. I will definitely be following Michael on Twitter on my website account. I hope you are resting no matter where in the world you are now. Thinking of you!


    1. Thank you so much Jeremy. I was not really resting...but the internet did not want to play. 27 hours before I found my bed again... but I made it.

      It's the people like Michael that send messages to keep going... We can do anything. You are an inspiration too. There is nothing you cannot do. You "are" a pilot! Listen to his words and believe.

      Thanks for your wonderful comment!

  3. Five world records, wow that's amazing! Michael is an inspiration for certain. And an artistic soul to boot, though I've found that helps one overcome obstacles. ;)

    1. Heather, this is so true! The challenges are so much better with the artistic outlet. We know. And I had not thought of that before. But when times get tough...time to create. Thank you for your comment!!!

  4. It may be dangerous to lean on an aircraft propeller. If the magnetos are not grounded, a small movement of the prop could cause the magneto to fire, pushing prop forward faster than a person could jump back, causing major damage to limbs and/or body.

    Just be safe.

    1. Oh... I hope that he's being careful. Maybe when you come back from life you assume your mags are grounded. Thank you so much for this great advice to all our readers!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!