Friday, October 12, 2012

Janine Shepherd

Friday's Fabulous Flyer

The hour is approaching 0100 and I have just returned from Pele, the Goddess of Destruction and Re-birth. So who could be better for today’s Friday Flyer than JanineShepherd.

After being hit by a truck while training for the Olympics, Janine’s life and body were destroyed. And yet she overcame this horrific tragedy to become a bestselling author, pilot and inspirational speaker to thousands around the world. 

In essence, she was re-birthed. 

 "If I can't walk, I'll fly!"

“Janine has an extraordinary ability to ignite people’s spirits and move them to find the real potential of their lives; her story inspires people around the world.”
Deepak Chopra

Janine just wrote a new book: The Gift of Acceptance and Hallmark just picked it up. A gift for all of us is coming soon. I just wanted to share this exceptional news, for a special lady who will be coming to the United States for a book tour.  

“The Gift of Acceptance is a collection of wisdom, insights and advice from one of Australia’s most respected and inspiring national figures.

"Learning from others and from her own experience, she has come to realize that the process of finding acceptance has been crucial in her search for quality of life and peace of mind. Janine believes that whatever our circumstances may be, we all need to nurture acceptance in our lives in order to move on from tragedy or loss and find fulfillment.  Janine’s latest book is a gift for us all.”

Take a moment to view Janine's movie below. And make sure to have some tissues standing by. Janine is about possibility. About being more than your body. That despite all the piles of dirt thrown on her back, she found the strength to create the new her. She found freedom in losing it all. 

I have my last yoga class at 0630 this morning, and I still must pack. I'll be heading to the airport at 8. So I will say good-night to this incredible week of healing, inspiration, and possibility. 

Oh... and about Pele... She is said to come visit those who bring offerings. And once in awhile, you can catch a photo of her.

Enjoy the Journey~

XOX Karlene


  1. Replies
    1. Me too. I know it will be amazing. Click on her name and look at all her others!

  2. Another beautiful, strong woman. Janine is amazing. What a great story--thank you for sharing this.

    1. Thank you Linda. She is amazing, and so minimizes our own pain.

  3. She is incredible!I feel life can be changed thanks to motivation and attitude,and there is no detour in our life.Thank you so much for sharing an another motivational post,Karlene san!
    Warm regards,
    Have a great weekend

    1. Jun, you are so welcome. I hope you take a moment to read each post this week. You are in my heart and my mind always.

  4. She's such an inspiring aviator! I bought her book Never Tell Me Never and also the movie of the same name last summer after reading your earlier post about her. My favorite quote from the book is when she said "if i can't walk, i might as well fly". Her story is definitely one of those that had inspired me to get my licenses. Looking forward to reading the new book!

    1. Kai, Thank you so much for the fantastic comment. I know this will mean a lot to her. To inspire someone is a wonderful thing. Imagine all that she has inspired because of something that was viewed as a tragedy. We have to ask...was it? Thank you! Fly safe and spread those wings.

  5. Thank you for sharing Jannine's moving story. As one who has a similar detour in my journey through life, hearing her testimony of how flying helped her find her inner strength resonates so much with me. I loved her part about worrying about the medical later! That has been my biggest post-cancer worry about my quest to return to flight lessons. Janine's determination to find the inner strength to reach her goal of flying and freedom gives me hope that I can do the same!

    1. Kenya, I know you can do the same. You are that butterfly who is growing strong wings. Life is so hard because it’s supposed to be. I know that you've survived a huge challenge, and now you too will be an inspiration to others. I would love to share your story. Write to me.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!