Thursday, October 11, 2012


During this week of Yoga, I set my intention on Balance. Not only for finding a flow to balance my life with family, work, writing, social media, emails, remodels, etc., But to balance my physical self.

30 years ago I was misdiagnosed with osteomyelitis. I had arthritis due to my Type-A personality, hard charging, and not eating right.  Long story short 26-years later I had a hip replacement due to the doctors draining fluid out of my hip. A year after my surgery, the Doctors said my spine was fused, my hips were rotated sideways and forward... and that I could do nothing. I have spent the previous three years looking for a solution.

How this manifested in my body was, I appeared to have a 2 inch difference in leg-lengths. Yoga was the only thing that helped relieve the pain because of this crooked standing, and walking. Somehow work and writing, (and the YMCA cancelling of my 5 am yoga class) shifted my yoga path for awhile. Now I'm back and committed to make this a daily way of life.


The GREAT news is, I met Sarah, one of the miracle workers, on this retreat. We had a 90 minute TRAGER session yesterday. I stood up from the table, and the first time since surgery I could stand with both feet directly under my body. Actually, this is the first time in 30 years that I can stand level. She showed me how to work with my body so when my muscle memory pulls the hips back to what they were doing for so long, I can work with it and get back to level. Amazing. Last night I was sore. But today I'm doing WATSU to continue with the work.

I decided that we need a new modality of exercise that combines both Yoga and Trager. So I created, Tragoya. Now I need to take the steps to get trained... and I will.

But first I'm flying to Florida to do bounces October 26-28. It may just be a simulator, but I'll get to fly~

Enjoy the Journey!
XOX Karlene


  1. Karlene, I hope you are able to participate in many of these retreats especially if they prove effective in maintaining that physical balance. After reading up on TRAGER, it seems I need to have a lot of that in my life - you have no idea. I hope FL is productive for you and yes, even though it is a simulator - it still is flying - even if it's only on a virtual level.

    1. Thank you Jeremy! Yes... trager is amazing. And the yoga... wonderful. The greatest trick is to come home and maintain the balance. Discipline. Looking forward to seeing you!

  2. Wow Karlene san!!! These photos of you with nature are very nice.And what a gorgeous place you are doing yoga!!
    Warm regards,
    Have a great day,

    1. Thank you Jun. You should try Yoga. I think you would really like it. And practicing in Heaven is like paradise.


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