Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Help Wanted: You're Hired!

Flying Job Link Below...

Since Flight For Control has taken off, I have met many wonderful people along the way who have purchased, read, and continue to support my novel. You are the wind beneath my wings.

Many of you are working hard to earn money for flight lessons and or college while you're working toward your dream of flight. I would love to give back to you in your support.

Would you like to be part of the sales team? 

If you've read the book... please leave me a message below if you would like to join the sales team. Then send a message to: Type in the subject line: Sales Team. I will need your address so I can send you a box of cards--with your name on them-- to hand out. Then, for every book you sell, I will pay you $5. 

How will we track sales?

Two options:

1.) You'll take orders, collect money, send me a check with the names to be autographed in the books, and I will ship them to you to distribute.


2.) Send people to my blog to purchase there, and tell them mention your name in the notes. I'll keep track sales in your name and send you a check.

  • Would you like to be part of the sales team? 
  • Do you have ideas how we can get Flight For Control in the hands of everyone? 
  • I would love to hear your suggestions. 

Enjoy the Journey.

XO Karlene 

Flight For Safety: 50,185 words 


  1. That's a great idea! I'm in. But firstly, I have to send you a couple of e-mails. Than, we'll see. ;)

    1. Thank you Alex! So excited for all that you're doing. Thank you!!!

  2. Karlene, expect an e-mail from me shortly. You'll need a sales representative in Scandinavia, too :)


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!