Sunday, November 29, 2020

Time to Fly!

To Sydney! 

There are many firsts when checking out on a new airplane. Tonight is another! My first flight after OE. Thankfully I was able to pick up an extra trip, beyond my regular schedule. Otherwise it would have been another month from the Line Check. Proficiency needs consistency, so I am going to do my best to make that happen. I also need to get consolidated. 

I am still enamored with this wonderful plane. During OE I slipped down in the E & E compartment and took some photos of her brains. Quite amazing! 

I am still digesting all that I learned, and so thankful for the training captains I worked with. An amazing amount of knowledge they had, and I felt as if I was in the A350 doctoral program. Loved every minute of it.  The other Captain on my line check was also an amazing source of information. But, it was his parting words there were best said... 

"Now comes the learning part... 
every trip!"

I'm off to see what I can learn tonight! 

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Hello from Toulouse! this is an early A/C with still the 3 Side-slip vanes! They are now gone. I'm very happy to read your blog. When you have a chance, look behind the Belly Fairing panels. This is what my company provides on this A/C.

    1. Thank you from Seattle They are not gone on my plane as that was the aircraft I flew on my line check. Nice when they update, but the first editions are still out there. However, I actually flew that new model you spoke of on my first flight into Detroit. With the touchscreens inside. And I will definitely attempt to look behind the Belly Fairing panels... if allowed. Thanks for the comment!

  2. Welcome back to the Flight Deck! Have fun on OE! Dave R.

  3. Good luck Karlene San and all the best with your OE.

    1. Jun, Thank you so much!! It's so wonderful to hear from you. OE was great and I'm official now. Looking forward to seeing you again!

    2. Karlene san, really happy to hear that. Congratulations. Yes look forward to seeing you soon. Please let me k ow when arrives in Haneda. Please take care always

    3. Karlene san, really happy to hear that. Congratulations. Yes look forward to seeing you soon. Please let me k ow when arrives in Haneda. Please take care always

    4. Thank you! I hope to fly your way and when Covid is over we can have dinner together!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!