Tuesday, February 11, 2020

How Far Will They Go

To Remove Pilots?

Corruption runs deep within the airline industry when Captain Darby Bradshaw is grounded and forced into a psychiatric evaluation in response to reporting safety concerns to senior leadership at Global Air Lines. What she doesn’t know is that her removal is nothing short of a conspiracy to silence her safety concerns. Privatization of ATC, approval of drone operated commercial aircraft, short-cutting training, and the untimely crash of a Boeing 737 MAX are all tied to Darby’s report. Her resultant research is about to uncover the truth. How high does this go? All the way to the White House. Not even her friends FAA Manager Kathryn Jacobs, DOT Secretary John McAllister, or Psychiatrist Linda Madden, can do anything to help her. The question is—can she save herself?

This is the fifth in the Fight For Series where truth is scarier than fiction. Flight For Justice coming soon, where it’s not about truth and justice, but what you can prove in court. 

Order thePaperback and Hardback 
on this site today!

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 


  1. I'm looking forward to the next installment w. Darby and crew. Sadly the truth is scarier than fiction. Thank you Karlene for all the work you do to make commercial aviation safer.

    1. Ahhh... Thank you so much!
      I hope you enjoy this book. And then I get to have fun starting the next!!

  2. Can’t wait to get this in Hardback!!

    1. It will be available at the conference in hardback! Thank you!!

  3. Goodness me! I wonder who is still alive and who has died from the first to the last book! Need to catch up with the series! Congratulations!

  4. I love the "Flight for" series. Aviation safety is an important issue not only for fellow pilots, for everyone. Modern life would not be possible without aviation, therefore keeping this mode of transportation safe benefits everyone.

    1. Ah.... thank you so much! I hope you'll like this one too. Aviation does impact everyone. We have to keep it alive and the best it can be.


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