Saturday, March 9, 2019

Normalization of Deviance


Thousands of pilots worldwide participated in taking the survey to assist with my doctoral research. Hundreds of people helped to share the message. Research is complete! Dissertation is complete! Defense complete! 
Now we need change to take place!

Results identified 
There is an underlying reason for pilot error:
Safety Culture and Training Practices. 

I turned my dissertation into a book. 
Normalization of Deviance

The way to make change is with knowledge:

Order your copy now!
The only way to make change will be 
with a thousand downloads. 


For those who would like to read the entire dissertation you can find it here: Petitt Aviation Research

Thank you for your continued support. 
Aviation Safety Depends upon it! 

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 


  1. Karlene, I'm AMAZED at how much you are able to do, while also being a full time airline pilot!!
    There may be some in the aviation industry who would say, "Take your time, Captain. No rush... really. Why not wait - till you retire, so that you can really focus on it... :)

    1. Dan, Thank you for the comment. I have many things to focus on when I retire. But this one... we can't wait!

      I think if someone had conducted this research years earlier, and then used the data and what we learned to create change, be it the airline training, FAA and regulatory compliance... then Air France Flight 447, Colgan Air Flight 3407, Asiana Flight 214, and UPS Flight 1354 would not have happened. Not to mention the many close calls (hundreds? Thousands?)

      This research is timely going into NextGen. And... as of this moment... the ebook is on line for free for two days!

  2. Karlene, I was happy that I was able to attend your defense online. You did amazing and I can't wait to read this book!

    1. Thank you Jeremy! Please tell everyone you know to buy a copy of this. Priced right to download on kindle. Numbers will get noticed!

  3. I am very happy to see this contribution to our Industry, safety can’t just be a word, it is imperative now for the industry to adopt a generative safety culture and stop blaming pilots for human errors when most of the time those errors are consequence of unaddressed human factors.

    I will be delighted to read your book

    Good luck and thanks for your contribution to the aviation community

    Aisha Alexander

    1. Aisha, thank you for the comment. So true... safety is more than a work, but should be an action that is taken seriously! I appreciate your support on this, and all you do for safety too!!!

  4. Experience what is happening around you, as well as understand and tell ... this is the best. congratulations.

    1. Thank you very much!!!! I appreciate the way you put this. So true!

  5. Kalene:
    Great initiative. May be you could share how non industry related personnel can contribute towards flight safety. I'm sure many would be keen to hear stories you have as well how they could be a part of improvement.

    1. Avinash, Thank you so much for your comment. I think the non-industry people could read this book and realize what's at stake. They could contact their Senators and demand better training and a more proactive safety culture for the airlines.


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!