Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Find Your Wings

"Your dreams are what define your individuality. They have the power to give you wings and make you fly high. "

P. V. Sindhu

They Sky is Not the Limit! 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Fight For Airline Safety

Air 21 in progress: 

I will be in court all week, and testifying Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in an Air 21 complaint. This is a public venue, where the public is encouraged to observe these types of hearings. There is no jury. An administrative law judge will be ruling on behalf of public in the interest of aviation safety.

March 25th begins 
promptly at 9 AM!


Monday, March 25 through Friday, March 29, 2019. 




SCOTT R. MORRIS Administrative Law Judge

Many of the elements within this case reflect my resent research. If you cannot join us, please read Normalization of Deviance. Safety Culture and associated training have proven to be impacting pilot performance. No longer can we simply blame the pilot. No longer can we have a culture that retaliates against employees for reporting safety. The FAA's SMS mandate is designed to improve operational safety, but only if it is followed. We need to prevent that next accident. What can you do to help?

The Case Continues! 
April 25th (time to be determined)
April 29th-May1 (9 am)

Public is Welcome! 

Enjoy the Journey!
I will be back at the end of the week!
XO Karlene 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Private Pilot Ground school!

You want to be a Pilot?

It starts with 

Chris Palmer's course is unique. Seriously, no-one else in the industry does what he can do. He conducts a LIVE, Online streaming video course. You show up like it’s a classroom. There’s a chat box where you communicate with Chris and the rest of the class.  This is on line school like no other!

Show up!
Log in! 
It's that simple. 

This means you get to ask questions as they go along, make sure you’re on the right track, and have a real partner as an instructor to make sure you get the required ground training done right. 

Class starts March 18th. 

You will be meeting every weekday for 2 weeks, for a total of 10 class periods. Class will start at 4PM Alaska, 8PM Eastern. Each class will last about 2-3 hours. 

If you miss a class, no worries. You can get the archived recordings immediately following class. (Hey, you can even jump in part way through).  Your course remains accessible for 1 year, with plenty of time to take it again, or watch the archived class. 

You don’t get to access amazing areas like this, cruise across the country on your own two wings, or 
get a $100 hamburger (airplane gas + rental + burger) without actually having a license.  

Flying is the ultimate freedom. 

"I can’t wait to be your instructor, have you on board, and help you enjoy this initial part of the journey. Shoot me any questions you have, and he will be more than happy to help!" Chris 

Throttle On! 

Chris Palmer
Chief Instructor

Monday, March 11, 2019

Airline Accidents

A result of inadequate training!

The aviation industry was touting the number of years without a crash. Now we've had three in 5 months. But what about the thousands of ASAP reports or FOQA data identifying errors and close calls? What are we doing to solve the problem? Altas Air should not be forgotten because they were flying freight. This accident was also a training issue.

Why did the Lion Air pilots reengage 
a broken system?

Answer: Lack of Understanding due to 
inadequate training.

My doctoral research has identified 
a worldwide problem with pilot training
due to poor safety culture! 

The office of the inspector identified pilots have difficulty with manual flight and understanding. The FAA created a safety alert requesting pilots to fly. History shows that crashes occur because of lack of understanding. Training impacts the level of understanding. Pilot performance is being impacted by pilot training. My research identified how a negative safety culture worldwide is impacting pilot performance. 

Safety Culture is impacting pilot training. Training is leaving pilots short on understanding. Training is removing pilots willingness to manually fly. Why doesn't the industry look to where the problems originate... how we are training pilots.

Safety Culture is essential to support 
Safety Management Systems, 
but that extends to pilot training!  

For those who would like to read the entire dissertation you can find it at Petitt Aviation Research. But I turned my dissertation into a book to present the information in a more readable fashion. After you read this book, you decide why the planes are crashing! We know the problem... now let's fix it! 


"If we blame the pilot, then nothing will change." 
"If we blame the airplane, then nothing will change."

Who should we blame?
What is the underlying cause of airline crashes?

Pilot Training! 

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Normalization of Deviance


Thousands of pilots worldwide participated in taking the survey to assist with my doctoral research. Hundreds of people helped to share the message. Research is complete! Dissertation is complete! Defense complete! 
Now we need change to take place!

Results identified 
There is an underlying reason for pilot error:
Safety Culture and Training Practices. 

I turned my dissertation into a book. 
Normalization of Deviance

The way to make change is with knowledge:

Order your copy now!
The only way to make change will be 
with a thousand downloads. 


For those who would like to read the entire dissertation you can find it here: Petitt Aviation Research

Thank you for your continued support. 
Aviation Safety Depends upon it! 

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 

Friday, March 8, 2019

Normalization of Deviance the Book

Available Now!  

ETA February 2019

I'm turning my dissertation into a book to share this research with real people, and to thank the thousands of pilots who participated in this research for their effort. Nobody reads dissertations, but I hope you will all read this book based upon the research. 

Why Normalization of Deviance? 

Simply put, this term may best explain why an organization's culture and associated behavioral norms can violate FAA requirements and encourage pilots to perform in a manner contrary to written policy. This term may explain how operators can know that pilots have insufficient knowledge, lack understanding, and are losing manual flight skills, yet training methodologies continue to be deficient in skill development, and fail to improve training processes to increase understanding.

Furthermore, normalization of deviance could also identify why individuals within an organization have the ability to retaliate when employees follow the FAA mandate of see something say something. While it's hard to imagine anyone retaliating against someone offering suggestions for safety, researchers have identified that the retaliating employees do not recognize their behavior as deviant because the behavior has become a normal occurrence within the organization. 

Thus the term normalization of deviance. 

This deviant behavior has also been attributed to pilots not following standard operating procedures, which subsequently become the norm. However, the results of this research have identified the deviant behavior may be in the hands of the organization and identified as a poor safety culture.


Order your copy now!
The only way to make change will be 
with a thousand downloads. 

For those who would like to read the entire dissertation you can find it here: Petitt Aviation Research

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 

Monday, March 4, 2019

Aviation Humor!

Eastern Airlines Kitchen Talk Radio

Aviation humor... 
there is always time to smile!

"A group of aircraft maintenance instructors were asked by the CEO to join him on a flight. After they all took their seats, they were informed that their students built the plane. All of the instructors jumped out of their seats and ran toward the exit, except one.

The CEO walked down the aisle and asked him why he remained. The man said, “If it was made by my students, I am confident it will not even start.”

Tonight's show is  all about Airline/Aviation Humor and it will include several controller/pilot communications, which always brings real-live humor, unrehearsed. Join the show and share your funny stories! 

Episode 405
March 4, 2019
7 pm EST

Call in: 

at 7:00 P. M. EDT 

or listen in by clicking the hyperlink:

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene