Thursday, February 21, 2019

Making a Difference

By Taking a Stand!

Who says the little guy can't make a difference... 

"A Canadian musician from Halifax named Dave Carroll recently had difficulty with United Airlines. Dave spent over 9 months trying to get United to pay for damages caused by baggage handlers to his custom Taylor guitar. During his final exchange with the United A/L Customer Relations Manager, he stated that he was left with no choice other than to create a music video for YouTube exposing their lack of cooperation.

The Manager responded: "Good luck with that one, pal. ” So Dave posted a retaliatory video on YouTube. The video has since received over 18 million hits. United Airlines contacted the musician and attempted settlement in exchange for pulling the video. Naturally his response was, "Good luck with that one pal.“

Taylor Guitars sent the musician 2 new custom guitars in appreciation for the product recognition from the video that has led to a sharp increase in sales." (author unknown)

Enjoy The Journey!
XO Karlene 


  1. LOL: I knew he was Canadian, but I forgot that he is from my Halifax!!
    It's GREAT that you've got a sense of humour about
    all of this. It's intriguing how rigid company policies can become: a sort of "Rules Fossilization"...

    1. Dan, I learned very early in my life (working at a grocery store) the customer is king. The truth is, this is a culture issue. If employees are empowered and supported to do the right thing, someone would have done the right thing and taken care of this. When employees are fearful, they always say "no." They don't want to get in trouble. However, United is working on their culture, employed an outside company to help change it. Change for the better is a positive move.

      I actually had seen this before, but when received this from a friend, I had not realize the details either. But funny. I certainly wish I could play the guitar and sing.

  2. That's VERY insightful, Karlene!

    I think that I've been in a guitar shop,
    where the staff know him. I'll ask, next

    1. Yes... do the pilot thing and ask if they have the "Dave discount!"


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