Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A330 Pilots Needed!

A330 Captains and First Officers Needed 
for FAA Simulator Research Project
FAA Mike Monroney Center
Oklahoma City

Subject: System State and Energy Awareness Experiment

Requirements: Pilot requirements Airbus A330: Qualified and current in aircraft type, Part 121 air carrier line pilots, currently flying line operations. One captain and one First Officer from the same airline for each day.

Dates: August 20, 21,22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 & September 5, 6, 7 (Note: you can only participate for one day)

Working Hours: Each crew will participate in one 6-hour Research and Development session.

Tentative times are a show time of 0700, an on-motion time of 0730, three 10-minute breaks, off-motion at 1230, de-brief and release not later than 1300.

Compensation: $575.00. For non-local travel, meal per diem and hotel reimbursement will be provided. Standard mileage reimbursement for personal vehicles. Pilots are asked to non-rev or jumpseat, if possible. 

How to participate: Email your name, seat, airline and cell number

Provide the day, or days you are available. You can only participate once. 

I've participated in this type of experiments on a couple occasions, and it's actually very fun and worthwhile.  The reason they want to know your airline is because they pair you up with same airline to keep standard operating procedures the same. So, if you want to grab your favorite Captain or First Officer and sign up together, they could make that happen! 

Enjoy the journey!
XO Karlene

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