Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year 2018

"You can't build a reputation on 
what you are going to do." 
Henry Ford

You build your reputation on follow through. Thus, resolutions are the time to reflect and find areas of growth and improvement... then follow through! However, if you are a pilot, you must read the warning below, as high achieving behavior could impact your career. 

Each year I write a litany of resolutions. This year will be no different. Why? Because I believe in continual improvement. Perhaps that's why I embrace the concept of a safety management systems, where we are always working toward a safer and better system. 

This is what will keep our world safe and our aviation industry strong. This also means building a better contract for the pilot group, with better work rules and the highest pay and benefits because the responsibility, knowledge and ability required to perform this job demand the best. 

Thus, setting New Year's resolutions is a way of working towards a better me, a better world, supporting continual improvement where I can make a difference, and ensuring that I have the health to follow through... and to have fun too! 

2018 New Years Resolutions

  • Earn my Boeing 777 type rating
  • Earn a PhD in Aviation 
  • Write a Novel: Flight For Justice
  • Publish two books: Jungle Air (for the big kids), and Jungle Air (for the little kids). 
  • Remodel my new little lake cabin
  • Workout daily 
  • Find something to laugh about everyday
  • Feel gratitude daily
  • Master the art of patience daily


It was brought to my attention that the mere stating of such lofty goals could be construed as "Grandiosity" and that the actual accomplishment of such a list would be "Manic" behavior. These two dangerous combinations of mania and grandiosity create a unique manifestation that could result in a bipolar diagnosis. Pilots who suffer from this malady are prohibit from flying. It's true, bipolar I prevents a pilot who is manic and grandiose from flying. Those of you who are depressed between your manic episodes are okay, as you would be considered Bipolar II,  as long as you take your anti-depression medicine... then you are okay to fly. But high achievers that exhibit no depressive state, that is another story. 


While this list could look like manic and grandiose behavior to a sociopathic psychiatrist, I have to admit I have been working on my PhD for three years now. I have been waiting to start B777 training for a year, and should begin in January. The Flight For Justice novel is outlined and writing itself. The Jungle Air books are written and my daughter is illustrating. The cabin remodel is just a fun art and construction project. Some kids play with legos, I like power tools. We will always be provided opportunities to practice patience, until we learn patience. I'm going to learn it. The only other high risk behavior would be strong muscles, healthy heart, reduced stress and happy mental attitude. 


If you don't make resolutions or can't think of any... make a resolution to laugh more and find the humor in life. As Darby says, "You can either laugh or cry... Laughing is so much more fun." More humor is going into my life this year. You can also resolve to read my novels so you will be ready for Flight For Justice. I thought Flight For Control would be the movie, but it looks like the Justice book may just might make it to the big screen first. 

Happy New Year! 

Health and Happiness to you and your family
in the New Year, and may all the success 
you dream of be yours!

Do you have a resolution?

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 

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