Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Fog Ghost

Halloween 2018

I hear wailing.
Great ships are sailing
Into your arms; and nevermore
They port on any shore. 

Ghost of the mist,
Keep your ancient tryst!
Back to the lone lanes of the sea
Slip silently.

William H. Simpson

Happy Halloween! 

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 


  1. What a fascinating poem.I don't know if it's romantic or scary!
    Nevertheless great stuff as usual Karlene.The Halloween ghost is tremendous.It has absolutely nothing to do with aviation but who cares!!!!
    My wife Sue wants to do a PhD in paranormal activity!!!

    1. Thank you! I thought it was great to. I think it's a little of both. Well... the Halloween Ghost is standing in my dining room, so... technically, he has a little to do with aviation. I should put a hat on him. Oh... now there is an idea. more to come!
      Tell Sue I will be on that with her any day!


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