Friday, October 13, 2017

Empowering Women

With InTransit

Friday's Fabulous Flyers... 
Jordan and Liz! 

Jordon Saxon

Jordan Saxon and Liz Knueven met at the Savannah College of Art and Design while working their way through the writing program. Jordan is currently a college Junior, and Liz graduated last spring. I connected with Liz because she sent me this email: 

"I'm Liz and I'm an editor at In Transits magazine, a travel magazine by and for women adventurers. I came across your blog while researching women pilots, and I was instantly enamored by your story and line of work. I'm starting a new column on our site about women who have made a career out of traveling and who work in the industry, and I was wondering if you would be interested in chatting with me for a few either by Skype or phone about your job as a pilot. The main goal of my column is to inspire more women to get into this line of work, and I'm especially interested in what careers in aviation look like from a woman's point of view."

Of course I would love to talk to a anyone supporting women adventurers! Especially those empowering women to travel the world. What I learned is Liz and Jordon connected over their love for travel, books and cats. But In Transit started partly because Jordan had always wanted to travel solo, but when she started planning her trips, she realized that very few publications ever went beyond the listicles. 

Jordan recruited Liz, and the two of them now share a goal of bringing women travelers together through storytelling, and empower independent women to see the world. For both of them, In Transit has become a passion project that they hope to turn into a career. 

Pilots and passengers alike, if you have any great information, adventures, or tips to share with Liz an Jordan you can reach Liz at:  Check out what they are doing by connecting with them. 

Instagram @instransit

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 

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