Friday, August 18, 2017

Fridays Fabulous Flyers

Are Building Their Wings! 

Be Strong and Courageous! 
But remember to take care of yourself 
during the process. 

Stress is a killer. 

Yesterday I was notified that
a kind gentle soul, fighting against a grave injustice, 
passed away from an aneurysm due to stress.
She was a single Mom, 
survived by her 9-year-old son. 

Prayers for the Family

Strong people (pilots included) are not exempt from the impact of stress. We think we can handle anything. But the internal impact of stress can harm anyone on the inside, and we might not even realize what's happening. 

Changes in sleeping patterns, excessive consumption... food, alcohol, etc. Sleeping too much? Sleeping not at all? If there is a shift or change in your normal pattern, reach out for assistance. 

Strong people can ask for help! 

Things you can do for yourself. Cardio exercise, Yoga, Meditate, Walk, Breathe deep, Drink lots of water, Listen to calm music. Know that you are loved, and know that whatever the challenge is in your life today, will make you stronger tomorrow.  But you have to take care of yourself during the chaos. 

If you know anyone that feels they are at the bottom, and in a battle feeling they have done all they can,  then perhaps you could share the following song: Just Be Held. The world is not falling apart, it is falling into place.

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 


  1. Stress,along with cancer and heart and strokes are the equivalent of three serial killers on the loose in our society today.I don't know a single person who has not been affected by these killers.They must be caught,tried and imprisoned to history.

    1. John, Thank you so much for your comment. That's a good way to look at them. Serial killers. We must do what we can and if that means living a healthier lifestyle, we must. Nobody is exempt.
      Have a wonderful day!


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