Friday, June 23, 2017

Christina Nitschmann

Friday's Fabulous Flyer

Christina Nitschmann is a highly sought after speaker, consultant and radio show host of Savvy Business Radio. As the host, Christina has the unique ability to connect with each and every guest at a emotional level that sets Savvy Business Radio apart from other broadcasts. Savvy Business Radio is home to over 3.5 million listeners per month via our AM/FM stations and podcasting platforms globally. Savvy's shows also run in syndication through 9 AM/FM247 and iHeart Radio. But that's the formal version of the woman, peel back the layers and there is so much more. 

One of my greatest joys is talking with Christina. We have done a few audio shows together and this month I flew back to NY, and we had a girls night before our interview the next day. Not only is she the most gracious hostess, but Christina is one of the most courageous, kind, talented, intelligent and compassionate people I know. She's amazing in so many ways, and when you read her story, you'll understand a little bit more of why I believe this. She has conviction, and while I call her fearless, she has fear. She just faces her fear straight on. 


"A decade ago, if someone had told me I’d be hosting a wildly successful radio show and podcast called I never would've never believed them. Yet, here I am, five years later, broadcasting to over 3.5 million people weekly across the globe.

Stepping Off the Cliff

Here’s the amazing thing: Three years before I left corporate America to started my journey to discovering my passion and purpose, I wasn’t even aware of my gift, let alone what a podcast was. Back in 2011 had I not stepped off the cliff and started my first business, I would have never made it to where I am today. During this time, I started writing down my greatest lessons learned while in the corporate world, which lead to a blog I called 101 Mistakes and What I Learned in Business.

Then I began another blog, Transformation in flight, which talked about the lessons I learned in the cockpit. The exercise of writing these blogs help me immensely and propelled me forward, and ultimately lead me to discover my passion and purpose as a producer and talk show host.

Our culture has a myth that those who have accomplished great successes in life are somehow more special. We see the results of that success, but what is often left out is that their journey toward success was not always pretty a one.

When you really look at the lives of those who have achieved great things, they  did not always have a straight path to success; many times it’s a zigzag path to their final destination. So, if you are living your passion and purpose in the world, my yearning for you is that you do not beat yourself up when things start to go sour or look hopeless. 

Stop Resisting Change and Success Will Follow

It doesn’t mean you made a mistake in following your heart and dreams. The bumps you are experiencing are the entrance to the next phase of growth and transition in your life. I’ve found that when you stop resisting the change, growth toward success becomes smoother.

Flying is one of great passions and during this period of struggle and indecision, I was blessed to be able to go flying each weekend with my life partner Bryan. Bryan is a licensed pilot, and giving up that corporate job enabled me more time to fly with him most weekends.

How to Get Over Your 
Fear of Flying?

During this transitional period I was able to fly my pants off (some two hundred hours in less than a year).  I should backup though. While I loved travel, I was petrified of flying. It was in 2006  that I made a promise to myself to conquer my fear of flying by taking flying lessons. At the same time I met the love of my life and partner Bryan. I'd have to say, while leaving corporate America gave me the space to discover my greatest gifts, it was flying that gave me the courage to pursue them.

Flying Gave me Courage

Often folks ask me how I kicked my fear of flying to the curb, and it was actually easy, I just DID it. If I haven't been up flying for a while or I'm learning a new maneuver or experiencing a new situation, I still experience fear.  But, I've learned if I don't fight the fear, and let it come, it quickly passes. I simply focus on my training and flying the airplane. In the past, I think the reason fear won, was I kept fighting against it. By doing so, I made the fear stronger, and myself weaker. So my advice would be for anything that frightens you,  (like the Nike Motto), Just Do It! and when the fear rises, don't flight it, let it come and pass.

In fact, I'd say whatever great accomplishment you want to reach, from getting your private pilot certificate, starting your own business, or living your passion and purpose in the world, you'll have to do what makes you scared you and makes you uncomfortable. In the end though, constantly pushing yourself beyond your limits is what will allow you to live the life of your dreams! Go for IT! :-)"

Christina will be joining the Eastern Airlines Team, 
when we talk about the Fear of Flying. 
Episode 324, Monday, June 26, 2017 
the show will start at 1900 EDT. 
 Call 213-816-1611
To join the show!


Twitter: @Savvy_Radio

If You Have a Book, 
A Business, a Passion, 
or a Mission...

Contact Christina 
and let her millions of listeners
hear about what you're up to! 

Here are a few of Christina's podcasts,  for your listening pleasure: 

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 


  1. It's very encouraging reading how you conquered your fears through flight. Many have been paralyzed by their fears stopping them from taking advantage of the wonders and benefits of air-travel.

    Not only did you lock down the flying part, but you were able to correlate your positive experience to fuel success in other parts in your life. This is huge!

    Many who are challenged should grab their amazing personal ambitions and dreams by the scalp saying, "I'm doing this, you're coming with me".

    Wow, congrats, Christina!

    1. Windtee, Thank you for the great comment! She is amazing for sure. If we could bottle this attitude, and give it away we could change the world the better.

  2. @Windtee & Karlene, you guys are amazing. Thank you! :)

    Thank you Anonymous!


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