Sunday, June 18, 2017

Automation Takeover

Where Is the Future Headed?

Boeing is now openly 
talking about Pilotless Planes

Seems farfetched? The military has been doing this for years. This weekend I was discussing this exact topic with a friend on LinkedIn, and what would happen to our world when all our jobs are replaced by technology? What will the hundreds of thousands of people do without jobs because a machine is doing it? Technology is great, but how far will it go?

What do you think our regulatory aviation induced pilot shortage, thousands of aircraft orders, and NextGen have in common? There will be a time that we don't have the pilots to fly our automated aircraft and the FAA will relax the requirements for crew compliment, due to economics. The first step in the removal of pilots. Don't think for a second that this is not an underlying theme in my novels... and sadly these novels are all proving to come true.

Join the 
Eastern Airlines Team

To discuss the how far automation has come 
and how far it will go! 

Episode 323

June 19, 2017 
At 1900 EDT

(That would be 4 pm on the West Coast, 7 pm on the East Coast,
 and for the rest of you... somewhere in the middle) 

Call 213-816-1611 

Where you can either listen or talk 
and ask the guests any questions
you would like answered.  

Or log on to listen at

 Captain Neal Holland  ♦ Jim Hart 
*Captain Steve Thompson *Chuck Allbright Linda Fuller
*Captain George Jehn*Dorothy Gagnon*Don Gagnon
Will be your hosts!

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 


  1. Karlene,

    I would not climb aboard a plane that had
    no human pilots.

    I would not post a comment on a blog
    run by a computer!!!!!!!!! :)

    1. "NextGen, the Other Airplane Movie"... not to worry, they are actors playing pilots. :)


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!