Wednesday, May 3, 2017

What Would You Do?

If your employer did not have a safety culture?

Last week I wrote a very simple post on Poor Safety Culture  sharing the recent findings that the airline lacked a safety culture, and that blaming the pilot is not the way to solve the underlaying problems, as we operate in a system.

A great question was asked... 

"What does a New Green pilot do 
if they realize they have been 
hired into such a company?"


Enjoy the Journey!


  1. Let me preface what I'm about to say that my thoughts on the issue is relating my experience from being a software engineer. I love flying, but I don't want it to get tainted by the "other stuff" that comes with making it into a career.

    I'll respond with a question: how much is your life and reputation worth to you? If, in your estimation, it's not worth your life or reputation you're options are--to be blunt--limited to do something or go somewhere else. I understand being the new green guy. I've also been fortunate to have mentored some "new guys". I've taught them to always "trust, but verify". Trust the people above you, but verify what you're being told. If you can't wrap your head around what you're hearing or seeing speak up; you're bound to learn something--even if you don't like the harsh truth of what you learn.

    1. Keith, Thank you for the great response. Airlines need people like you, with this mindset running flight operations. Keep strong on your convictions!!


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