Tuesday, April 4, 2017

History of Music


My friend sent me the following video. The music was great. Memories were real. This is a must watch.... and crank up the volume!

"We have listened to the words to American Pie for years and thought we understood everything that was being sung about. However, when the words are put together with pictures and film clips, the song becomes even clearer. This video is well done and took imagination to write it, and a lot of work putting the images together."

Enjoy The Journey 
XOX Karlene


  1. A song,made in the 107"s but Wes most definitely about the 50s and 60s.I've always lo ved lyrics and some of the lines are pure class."while Lennon(or is it)Lenin wrote a book no Marx.And,as every rock &Roll buff will tell you the day began dieting the moment Buddy Holly's V Tail Beech Bonanza Chashed in the Mid-West.

    1. So much history in here... and one day when my non-fiction book comes out, everyone will realize all the truth (scarier than fiction) in the novels. Ah... the stories and messages behind the artwork are always there...
      Thank you for your comment!!


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