Monday, April 10, 2017

Aviation History Trivia

Nothing in Life Stays the Same

"What is something that is both a hope and a dream, 
Becomes a life choice, and is promised to last forever. 
But forever can mean a few years, a month or a day...
And then you wake up and it's all gone away..." 

Answer:  Aircrew Base
The above photo was taken not too long before the NWA Anchorage Base was closed down. My hubby and I drove our suburban from Alaska to Seattle (with a ferry ride for part of the journey) with Retired Captain Don Carlson and his beautiful wife Sue! Nothing ever lasts forever, especially a crew base.  But the memories we keep forever. 


The EAL Radio Show, 
Episode 313 will be 
All about the Crew Base

Eastern Airlines had several pilot and flight attendant bases over the years. Tonights discussion, will have the “experts” on line to share their knowledge of these bases, the chief pilots who ran them, as well as the maintenance bases serving our great airline. If we could only have those days back.

Jim Holder, will discuss the crew bases and chief pilots. Chuck Allbright will talk about the maintenance bases. And they have a mystery guest who will fill in all the additional names and places they may have forgotten. 

Call in to listen about the history of a great airline!
Tonight, at 7:00 pm EDT. 

Call 213-816-1611 
to join us live…or

 Captain Neal Holland  ♦ Jim Hart 
*Captain Steve Thompson *Chuck Allbright
*Captain George Jehn*Dorothy Gagnon*Don Gagnon

Enjoy the Journey!
XOX Karlene

author of


  1. We think things will last, but Sadly Nothing lasts forever..
    Only memories..

    1. So true!! And I loved your memories shared on Facebook!

  2. One suggestion is you may want to open your research be on commercial pilots as those are the professionals you're attempting to research. You may want to broaden your participants to include individuals who manufacture runway safety equipment, airport managers, aerospace engineers, or individuals involved in aircraft production. Involving these professionals may add to your research. You may want to also involved the litigators who are involved in such accidents as they may be able to state the statutory limits which contribute to y it's easy to identify an accident as a "pilot error" than the cause caused ny the airport or aircraft manufacture.

    1. Timothy, Thank you so much for the great comment. I like the way you think. And, I was there at one point and was convinced to narrow the focus as it was too broad. Thus, my research project is focused on providing pilots the tools to do their job, and then when the PHD is done... oh yes... I have 4 other projects in the works and right in alignment with. Thank you!
      For all who wonders what this comment was for, check out this post:


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