Thursday, March 9, 2017

MH 370 Hijacked?

The Truth Will Come To Light!

One year ago yesterday... 

March 8th, 2014 MH 370 disappeared, and we have many theories behind what happened. Most recently, Boeing is facing a lawsuit with an assumed electrical failure.  At the time, I wrote a post that has been viewed 151088 times:  MH 370: Time to Speculate

The most challenging thing about the accuracy of speculation, is knowing what media facts are true, that our speculation is based upon. 

If the aircraft had flown above the service ceiling and back down to altitude, and  made turns, navigating around the coast, and continued to fly until it ran out of fuel, I believe there was only one reason that plane disappeared. It was hijacked. 

My theories on what could happen, have not been too far off for other crashes. Flight For Control foretold the Germanwings event. Flight For Safety foretold the Asiana crash in SFO, with the same crew compliment.

The Flight For Survival prologue is based on what I think happened to MH 370, how it happened, and why it happened. I was accurate on the other novels... am I correct on this too? You decide. 

I am still writing what could happen,
as this is the basis for predictive safety. 

However, the newest novel, Flight For Sanity, also includes what is happening to pilots who report safety concerns. Unfortunately, until airlines have a positive safety culture to support SMS, events such as MH370 will occur again. 

One thing I know for sure... no matter what actually happened to MH370, the disappearance could have been prevented with SMS and a positive safety culture.  

How is Your Airline's Safety Culture?

Enjoy the Journey
XOX Karlene

Author of


  1. Karlene, when you were a new pilot, were you as
    assertive, when it came to safety issues? Or, did
    an experience motivate you, suddenly?

    1. Paul, that is a really good question. Experience certainly helps everyone gain a voice. It did for me. When I was new... everyone was winging it.... that's just how we did it. I learned a lot from really good pilots who knew what they were doing, and I learned what not to do from others.

      Not until I got into training, and began seeing the inner workings of the system, of how people learn, and how we are human and capable of error... then reading accident investigations, observing how history repeats, and studying human factors and psychology... and returning to school with an intent to learn, versus the degree it would provide... everything began falling into place.

      Envision a puzzle. Once you get enough pieces into place you start seeing the big picture. I've been seeing that picture for awhile now.

      I do know one thing, I've always been a predictive and proactive thinker... If something appeared wrong, that I could see potential risk.... I would speak out. Most airlines appreciated that information. There has been only one airline in my history of 8 that has actually retaliated for my trying to improve safety.

      Perhaps you need to experience to expose.

      Thank you for the comment and the great question.

  2. SPECTACULAR reply, Captain!! :)

    More questions, later. :)

  3. I have not read your book on the subject, but I shall. Two small points to consider in respect of MH370 that I saw briefly mentioned in the news at the time but not once since. A. Some hours after the flight was reported as missing - but before the world was left empty-handed with respect to an answer, a US Navy vessel passing through the Straits of Malacca was reported to have accelerated to flank speed to clear the straight and then take a westerly bearing. B. US Navy vessels - in particular submarines have extremely sensitive sonar. While classified, we (the public) do know that subs can determine with accuracy the types of fish in a school from long distances. They can hear shrimp from great distances away, the sounds of pods of dolphin or whales from unbelievable distances. The point? The impact of a B777 augering in from FL370 is an ubelievably energetic event, something that can be heard from half an ocean away ... by persons with cause to listen. US subs are always listening. So, too, are surface ships, but with much less precision.

    My guess is that US Navy resources triangulated that event shortly after the moment of impact, leading to the initial response by that surface ship. For reasons that will probably never be disclosed, they have remained silent since then. But note which country was notably cool in their response to the search? From debris we can be pretty sure 370 met a watery demise, and I would be shocked if the USN did not know precisely where it is - if has not already been salvaged. One might scoff at that, but recall the Glomar Explorer? Just a drilling ship? And the satellite data indicating the southern Indian Ocean ... who owns the satellite / access / the most advanced space communications capabilities? For that matter, since we have no wreck, we don't have any idea how the plane may have been modified before the flight. TWA 800 is a walk in the park compared with this show.

    Which leaves the question why? Undoubtedly something or someone really nasty on board that simply could not be permitted to reach China. Methodology: maybe as suggested or maybe we were monitoring someone else's op. The poor pilot? I suspect the wrong place at the wrong time.

    1. Zaphod, No kidding that TWA was easier. Until we find something, or someone comes forward will we know. I just think that based on what couldn't have happened, what had to have happened. But not knowing is horrible. Kind of like when a child disappears... no closure. What if. Etc. Thank you for your comment!!! Many interesting points to think about!


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