Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday Motivation

What do you Fear?

"I'm not afraid of
werewolves or vampires
or haunted hotels,
I'm afraid of what real
human beings do 
to other real human beings."

Walter Jon Williams

My friend sent me this great quote, and I had to posit it. Because the truth is, I have found it amazing (and sad) as to what people are capable of doing to others for money, greed, power, promotion, or because they had their egos bruised, or they are just cruel and have no self-control. But these people keep giving me plot points for another novel. Flight For Sanity coming soon! Make sure you catch up on the series!

Enjoy the Journey
XO Karlene 

Author of:
I am Awesome. The ABCs of me. 

 Flight For Sanity coming soon....
 Catch up on the series so you will be ready!

Motivation and Children too! 


  1. Yes, You're right, I'm so astonished and ashamed that pleople show absolutely no respect.
    The terrible things that are happening right now, things people do to eachother.
    And sadly I have to say that what is happening in the American race for presidentcy is the worst example to be given.
    I have never seen anything like this.
    Sad to admit that Europe is only following This example.
    Can't wait till your next book is out again.
    Am wondering which adventures Kathryn, Jackie and Darby are about to have again.
    It might have to do with RESPECT

    1. An, sadly the new novel has to do with human cruelty from airline management, and also from a doctor... who took an oath to "do no harm"... Some serious issues within the world of aviation, mental health, safety, reporting culture and retaliation.

      Brought to light by the election process and fear of reporting... Wait until you see what they do to Darby for reporting safety! She is the poster child why people are afraid to come forward.
      You will love this!
      Thanks for your comment!

  2. Karlene, you are so right, and that is why I finally wrote a book. I believe it is all about how we handle what is done to us that makes the real difference. Keep writing those books!

    1. Thank you! And can hardly wait to read your book. It's going to be great!

  3. Thank you ladies! And now I have too more books on my reading list!


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