Monday, July 18, 2016

Ready For Takeoff!

Ready or Not... it's Time!

At the end of a very long week, I returned home after a 20-hour day, that include two delayed flights,  and what should I find on my doorstep?  A couple gifts from my friend Georg Nolly.  One to prepare me for my next plane, and the other to give me a fun break from life. If you have not read a G. E. Nolly book, you must! This was to thank me for being on his podcast, but it is I who should thank him. We could have talked for hours.  Today, you get to hear what I mean.

Today is the day our Talk goes live!
Join George and Karlene 
for some wisdom, laughter, and smiles!


  1. Replies
    1. Jordan, missed the reply button... but it's live. Click on GE Nolly and you're there!!

  2. Thanks for your comment Jordan! Okay... Click on GE Nolly book ... above. (That link wasn't there until you asked. Thank you!!!)

  3. Great your account on the 777. When does your talk go Live. How is it done Periscope?? What about us folk in India. Incidently Karlene when at the heptr base on visits the chopper jocks talk a lot about the "fixed wing" birds. I'm presenting my old battered 'bone dome' and other memroblia to the local military Aviation museum

    1. It's live now!! Click on the link above and it will take you to the Podcast!

      So kind of you to donate... I wish I could join you at the museum. Thank you for the comment and so nice to see you!!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!