Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Give a Child

The Flight of His Life...

My friend Brian, from Renewed Pilot, and his wife have raised five incredible children. But they always wanted to adopt, and provide an opportunity for a child who may otherwise be lost. They are now making that dream come true and adopting a little boy from Africa.  However,  as Brian said...

"After two years of navigating through a sea of bureaucracy, we're getting ready to travel to Africa to meet the little boy who will become our son. We need to make two round trips for a total of four weeks in the country. (No "non-revving" for these trips!) That's a lot of airfare, lodging and meal expenses! (Combined with all the other expenses, let's just say it's a LOT of money!

How can you help?

I ordered one for myself and hubby... 

Get yours today and help
change the life of a little boy!

It's time we create change for a better world. That means to place our focus on where change begins... with the children. Brian and his family are making a difference in the world by giving a little boy a chance at a life. A renewed life... and we can help them. Please take a moment and order your shirt.

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene 


  1. Yup, I read Brian's post this morning. I salute him, Mrs. Brian and their existing kids. What a wonderful thing to do.

    1. Thank you Craig. I'm thinking if I can wear a t-shirt to support Brian and his wife... then I'm helping a bit too!

  2. Karlene,

    Thank you so much for supporting our adoption. We appreciate your donation and your willingness to promote the fundraiser on your site. Everyone who contributes is helping to bring this child into our home.

    Now, let's sell some shirts... :)

    - Brian

    1. Brian, you are so welcome! Sell shirts we shall!!

  3. This is an amazing thing Brian is doing. I love to help people who are out to help others so I definitely will a - be purchasing a new shirt to help him out with the adoption and fundraiser and b- spreading the word as much as I can!

    Have a great rest of the week!

    1. THANK YOU Jeremy! I know he will appreciate your support. I know I do!

  4. Amazing Karlene, I admire Brian and his wife for taking This step. I know adopting is a burocratic hell, lots and lots of paperwork.
    That they are willing to do this, people like that need to get a lot of respect because it's not an easy one to take,

    1. Thank you An!! It's definitely not easy, and they are definitely incredible people.


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