Thursday, May 19, 2016

SMS: What is It?

Safety Management Systems 

Airline safety is not about addressing isolated events. Airline safety is about a systems processes that include humans, equipment, software, the environment and how they interact. 
A systems approach to safety will assist with mitigating risk of terrorism vulnerability, equipment failure, pilot error,  and the environment. A systems approach must be supported with a strong safety culture.

Excellent 5 minute Video 
to assist with SMS understanding

SMS practical Application

 Excellent 14 minute video 
to assist with SMS in practice 

SMS demands a strong Safety Culture... 

Flexible, Learning, Just, and Reporting

SMS must be more 
than lip service to work!

Airline Safety Depends Upon It! 

FAA 2018 mandate
will your airline comply?

Be Safe! Fly Safe! 
Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Keep on writing about this Karlene!
    The accident of the Egypt Air flight last night proves that safety is still a big issue we Have to deal with!
    We need to realize How important it is with the crowded airspace we are dealing with

    1. Thank you An! SMS can help put processes in place, create policy, provide safety assurance and promote safety. We have the tools... we just need to use them!

  2. Exactly, no company is too small for SMS. It needs to be everywhere and used - no matter the size. Thank you so much for sharing this power post with the hopes that this creates an awareness of its mega importance. Wishing you a great weekend!!!

    1. Thank you Jeremy! 2018 can't get here soon enough!


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