Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Adventure Continues...

Non-Stop Nashville! 

Where can you have more fun than this...
Inspire and become inspired
And find thousands of women who love Aviation?

I am on my way to the 

So while I am off to see this incredible group of ladies... Take a moment to read something so awesome, words cannot describe it.  Jeremy wrote the most incredible review for Flight For Survival  on his blog: 

Thank you Jeremy!

And I hope to see you in Nashville! 
 You can get your autographed books there too! 

Find me Thursday through Saturday at
the store from 1300- 1530
and the silent auction from 1600-1800

XO Karlene


  1. Karlene,

    When will you be shipping out the pre-ordered books? Love reading your books and blogs!


    1. Mike, they were shipped! I did not print an invoice for a Mike. Email me at and we will get to paypal and find out what happened.
      And THANK YOU!!!!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!