Monday, March 30, 2015

Retirement Flight

The Good Ole' Days....

The History of Northwest Airlines and the good people flying the B747. A very fun video. Do you recognize anyone? The trip? The crew room? Vending machine beer? Amari's? The Sports Bar? The laundry ladies? It's all about the history. Never forget.

So much adventure! 


"These Are The Good Ol Days!" 

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Karlene, this post and video did bring back wonderful memories. Flying out of Detroit, less alone on a 747. It was interesting to see the sights of Narita, Japan, layover life, how that area specifically caters to pilots, and that is only a start to Tokyo itself.

    While some of the people don't look familiar, I will say that if I had a penny for everytime I passed through those check-ins, and terminals shown in his movie, I wouldn't need to play the lottery.

    From the spotted terminal windows which make aviation photography a nightmare to the 22 LAYNE SID on the NAV display, I saw some very familiar sights and identifiers. I am proud to say that even though I am missing NY, I am back in NW great lakes country once again.

    Captain John, along with the rest of the 83-2 and beyond, is a part of what made the airline what it was and we shall never forget what an impact it made on many lives that took to the skies under the red wings.

  2. Jeremy, I know exactly how you feel. I was glued to the video. Laughed and smiled at the memories. Such a fun video and a flash through memory lane. Thank you so much for your comment!!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!