Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday's Fabulous Flyer

Fan mail, that touched my heart. 

This week I received a wonderful letter in response to my newest book, Flight To Success, Be the Captain of Your Life And the photos are from another reader, taken from his village in Southern Switzerland (Ticino). I hope you enjoy both as much as I did. Anyone married to someone who doesn't listen... you will laugh, and then you will run out and get your loved one this book.

"Dear Karlene,

I am half way through your book which I bought with your recommendation on twitter. If you get this message I hope you take some gratification from what I say. I'm not a big reader as I'm not a well educated person. 

I'm a Dad of two and proud, and also well loved and loving to my wife of 18 years. My kids are 8 and 15 and Im just realizing how challenging our kids life has become. They are more inspiring than i realized before i read your early chapters about fear and listening. 
My 8 year old has been hit by fear of school. We are having to drag him in crying traumatized by an idiotic teacher. Kids get loud, she gets louder. She doesn't listen to them, she just yells at them. Children are so delicate at that age (not all agree) and also so much more intelligent than I was, its scary. I would love him to learn from your book and face his fears as you have and we all have. I have already quoted parts in a more simplified manor and hope it plants a seed in his mind. More so I wish his teacher would read it  lol. 

He wants to be a pilot so much. Games on tablet, p.c, even xbox are part of his life. Hes been influenced by myself because I've loved aviation since crawling. After a trip, he sat in the copilots seat and his eyes lit up like the instruments. The pilot looked at him and said, "do you know what that is?" He replied, "yes its the throttle." He laughed and said I bet you don't know what that is. Again he replied, "its the flap control." The pilot looked at his co pilot and said, he's the next one.   

I intend to pass your book on to him in a couple of years and follow his dream. He wants to join the R.A.F and then go on to the 747 and A380. Start small hey. In spring we will put him back in the air in the cessna and see if he continues to enjoy his flying. That's what's really important to us at the moment.

Then my daughter wants to be a surgeon. She has also already faced huge fears. Anxiety caused by bullies. Nasty but she is amazing. She has come through the other side with dignity, honesty and pride. We guided her best we could. Bubble wrap round her she ripped it off and faced her demons by herself. I help my son with a very basic interest in aviation but my daughter is on her own. My medical know how is none. 

Then there's me. I have just realized that my listening skills are poor. My wife has told me this for years, and I admit shes right. From your book I am changing my ways today. I wouldn't admit that it's your book after all these years but its never to late.

Conclusion ... I love the book so far and got loads to go. I hope you get this message and I understand you cant reply because of the probable amount you receive. But thanks for your book. First one I have read in years and not going to be the last. I feel better about myself and I think I can be a better person. I have two jobs and me and my wife work hard to secure our kids future. We also enjoy life as well. This is our year."

Are You The Captain of Your Life?

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Wow! What can I say? I too am enjoying your latest book, (Kindle this time, so no signed edition...) and share this gentleman's thoughts. You're on to something Karlene and it will serve you - and us - well. Thank you for the major effort.

    1. Craig, Thank you so much!!! Your comments are so much appreciated and I am so glad you are enjoying it too!!! Can hardly wait for that Amazon comment. :)

  2. Next time we're upset because of weather, other ground delays, ground traffic, air traffic, cranky crew's, cranky ATC, dispatch or any of the other things we as professional aviators complain about, I'll personally remember this story and how lucky I am to live this dream of flight. And I know that's a run on sentence, I'm a pilot not an English major, lol. Thanks for sharing this story K!

    1. Captain Kidder, you are so allowed run on we get it!! I always try to remember the great fortune of a pilot... sometimes we forget. Thank you so much for the beautiful comment!!

  3. It's so great to see your book inspiring other already, like I new it would! :)

    1. Thank you so much Heather! And you are a huge part of that inspiration!

  4. What a great letter! Congratulations on having such a great launch.

    1. Thank you Jennifer! And...can hardly wait for you to read. Your story is amazing!!

  5. A comment because I was that 8 year old child nearly 50 years ago. I assume the family lives in the UK, from the comment about the RAF. In the UK, there are essentially two paths into commercial aviation - either go to university, and then get hired by BA for ab initio training, or join the RAF and be trained by them first. My eyes wouldn't let me fly with the RAF, and back then the airlines also had the same 20/20 vision rule. It may have changed. The alternate path - train in the US, which doesn't require either a degree or perfect vision. It does require money, since it is mostly likely self funded. But it works (as I found out).

    1. D.B., Thank you so much for the great information!! It's so important to have people out there sharing their stories and leading the way. I know this will help this young man reach his dreams. Many thanks!!

  6. Wow... I'll bet that when you were learning to
    fly, you never dreamed that, someday, you'd
    get a letter like that. :)


    Karlene: what was the first step for you?
    GLIDERS? Any pics? :))

    1. Oh my Dan, this letter came because of a book. And in that book tells my first step. You must read! And I can hardly wait to hear what you think!
      Thank you!!!

    2. PS... you can click on the Motivation Book Link above.

  7. Oh, I will buy, when I can - I promise you that!
    [When I start to make $$, again. :)) ]

    1. Thank you!!! Come to Women in Aviation and I will give you a copy!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!