Sunday, January 11, 2015

Dream. Believe. Achieve.

Anything Is Possible! After a challenging week, I pulled it all together over the weekend and made positive steps moving Flight To Success that much closer to reality. I'm hoping for a February 1st release date. Nothing is impossible if you never give up and always work toward your goal.

Flight To Success
Be The Captain Of Your Life

Inspiration, motivation and lessons learned... 

Flight to Success is my journey through eight airlines, seven type ratings, two master’s degrees, and motherhood. Intertwined with my stories are those of others who share their successes, failures, losses, fears, hopes and dreams. We have all learned from our experiences. My gift is to share them with you. A key aspect of being a good pilot is compounding experience, and to learn from others. The best flight tips I’ve received have come from hangar talk, and from people I've met along the way.

This inspirational, motivational book will take you on a journey of my life, to assist you with yours. How did I do it? Why didn’t I quit? Where did I find the time, courage, stamina, and strength to persevere during the most challenging times? The answers to these questions and many more will be answered.

What drives people to phenomenal success? The secret correlates with many aspects of flight. If you apply these tips to your everyday life there will be nothing you cannot accomplish. Life is about choice. The choice now, is to open your mind and heart and begin to dream.

Be prepared to takeoff for the flight of your life, and enjoy the journey.

Welcome aboard your Flight To Success!
 (Soon to Be released) 

XO Karlene 


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