Monday, December 15, 2014

Happy Holidays!!!

Thanksmas was a GREAT Success!!!

Twas 15 days before Christmas 
When the holidays did start
The Elves were all in town
And love filled each heart

Twas 14 days before Christmas
And the Elves went bowling
Fun was had by all
And faces were glowing 

13 days before Christmas
And the Seattle rain did stop
The elves went for a Thanksmas Egg hunt
The fun was non-stop

Presents were opened
A feast had by all 
The elves skipped their naps
But they all had a ball

12 days before Christmas
Time for the Elves to all home
But memories will linger
And we will never be alone

Happy Holidays to all
And to all a great flight!

XO Karlene 


  1. Wow Karlene, that sounds like a very busy But Awesome weekend! Hope your family has had a wonderful Pre-Christmas time:)


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