Monday, November 10, 2014

Is Any of This a Coincidence?

This week was filled with more than one sign that perhaps there is more at work with life than we know... Answers are all around if we open our hearts and listen.

Tuesday I finally got caught up on my emails and LinkedIn connections. There was one individual that we began talking. It turns out he owns a company that builds the exact training device I want to work my dissertation around. He also knows my director of training I'm trying to gain a meeting with. 
Well, if that is not a coincidence, he happened to be in Seattle meeting with Boeing last week. We had breakfast at 13-coins and a great talk before I took him to the airport. He is going to make available his training device if I cannot get my company on board for my dissertation. I also learned more about his other company, supplying ab initio pilots. More to come on that....

Friday and Saturday was Oprah! 

I attended Oprahs weekend with my eldest daughter. What an incredible time. I also learned how to tweet from my phone. Amazing speakers, and so much inspiration prevailed. However, the story began in the restaurant we chose prior to the event. 10 Mercer.... Awesome by the way! 

We were ready to go and I suggested we step into the restroom. While we were there, we were talking about logistics to get me to the museum the next night. She said, don't you have to be at the high school? A voice on the other side of the door asked if I was going to the Aviation High School Auction. What are the odds of this short meeting downtown. We jokingly said, "Come find me tomorrow!" 

The following night, among hundreds of people, I walked up two men standing close to the canvas photos I donated. I began talking with them. After a few minutes, one of the men said, "Were you at Oprah today? You met my wife." Okay... what are the odds that the man I begin talking with happened to be married to the woman I met in the restroom the night prior, across the street from Key Arena?

Oh... it gets better. One of our guests, Rachel Sallee, comes walking up and asks how I know her boss. Okay... so wait, I meet someone in a restroom of a bathroom in Seattle, then happen to be talking to her husband, who happens to be Rachel's boss? Seriously weird!

A wonderful event and we all donated to a great cause. Aviation high school is a wonderful place for students to learn and grow into the leaders of tomorrow!  One day I hope my hubby and I can be here for when our grandkids graduate! Somehow I know we will. A great time was had by all!

I am so thankful I had the opportunity to stay home on short call today and catch up on homework. Tomorrow is week 10 with only three remaining for my first quarter. I am amazed how quickly time flies. I am also grateful I have the opportunity to experience all that I do. Life is good, and if you read the bottom of the photo below... She is your friend.

Here is to Life! 
What are you grateful for?

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. Some things are meant to be. You are An exceptional person and you meet exceptional people. That is the wonderful story of your life:)

    1. An, Thank you so much! You are exceptional!!! And that's why I met you.

  2. What a life! You manage to cram at least 48 hours of living into every day.

    1. And that my friend is the secret of creating time. Lol. Time management 101. :)

  3. I always wondered what went on in the women's restroom. I thought it was full of inappropriate sounds, smells and conversations. Guess I was 1/3 right.

    1. What goes on in the girls restroom... stays in the girls restroom! :)


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