Monday, July 28, 2014

Oshkosh 2014 Day 1

My day started in the gym working out with Scott, the guitarist from Kenny Loggins. What a nice man he was. The concert was awesome! The day was filled with meeting new people and running into people I already knew. The most fun was I walked up to random strangers and introduced myself and we were connected via LinkedIn or Twitter. Three times people told me, "I read your book!" 

A fun day. So now just a few photos... I will be sharing more soon! Wish you were here. 


  1. I'm not commenting on any of your OSH posts. I'm too jealous. ¬¬

    1. Lol... okay, wait until you read tomorrow's post! One day we'll go together!!!

  2. Karlene.. I made it to the gym but not OSH! I am promising the world that no matter what, I will be there next year!! Live err LOVE those amazing photos!! Butt there goes my auto correct again. . A mind of its own

    1. Thank you Jeremy!! Photos don't do OSH justice! Just an amazing place!!!


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