Friday, May 23, 2014

Walt Disney

Friday's Fabulous Flyer

Walt Disney

Disney lives on and his legacy is stronger than ever. July 18th another breakout blockbuster movie will be released: Planes Fire and Rescue. The amazing thing about this movie is the technical accuracy. Technical accuracy when planes talk?

Okay... for those who think planes don't talk, just ask Syd Blue. She and I will both confirm that our planes do talk!

They did their research!

Not until I watched this technically accurate movie did I fully comprehend what our aerial fire fighters go through daily. Yes, daily. While we only see the big fires, there are fires almost every day. And as I watched our heroes fight the California and Arizona fires, I got chills as I now understand what they are up against. And so does Disney.

Disney interviewed and visited the fire fighters themselves. On location they watched, listened and learned. This was an important aspect of the film, as they wanted to create something to honor our heroes. And they did just that.

And they invited the world renowned Chuck Aaron for the technical aspects of flying a helicopter. Which I have to shout about again, because he is an awesome instructor and it's no wonder he was able to convey how the helicopter flew to the animation team. Talent beyond belief.

Why should you see Disney's Planes Fire and Rescue? 

First—it’s just plane fun. Second—there is nothing more inspirational than to see a hero hit bottom, lose everything and find that inner drive to not only survive, but put others ahead of themselves.

This movie is about second chances. And anyone who has been faced with tragedy, an accident, or struggling with a physical life challenge will leave the theater knowing nothing is impossible when you follow a dream. Change happens and life may be different, but it can be better! 

Yes, I’m talking about an animated plane in a great movie. This is a wounded heroes journey, and you can't help but to cheer for Dusty. Besides, as one who believes there is "better than new"... I know that I'm not alone. It's great to know I think like Disney.

There is another inspiring detail. The jokes will keep you in stitches. But what you'll notice is the timing. The producers, writers and all involved made sure there was laugh-out-loud humor while on the ground and off duty. But while fighting fires, they were serious and mission driven. Kind of like Darby. And definitely like pilots. We all focus on the job but definitely know how to laugh. And so will the kids.

While I loved the first Planes, I think I like this movie is just a little bit better. And I think the kids will too. From a child's perspective...and yes, I have one... there is a greater variety of activity beyond the race. Something new, exciting, and challenging happening in each scene that will keep the kids on the edge of their chairs.

The animation was phenomenal and the special effects amazing. For all of you who will sit back and appreciate the realism of forest fire, you cannot believe the technology, time and talent that went into making that fire real. Never again will I take animation for granted.

While Today was to honor Walt Disney, 
We must honor those keeping his legacy alive. 

To the people behind Disney's
Planes: Fire and Rescue, 
Thank you!

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."  Walt Disney

May all your dreams come true! 

The question of the year... 
How do we bring Aviation back to life?

I say... inspire the kids. 
What do you think? 

Enjoy the Journey!
XO Karlene


  1. A dream is a wish your heart makes! Have a great weekend and will be in touch.

    1. Thank you so much Jeremy! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I think inspiring the kids and give them a great environment for them to become leaders of tomorrow's industry.

    Maybe bringing new ideas, discussing problems and exploring new solutions for today's industry through powerful sources of media is also a great start.

    1. Thank you so much Alex! Yes... and new ideas are great too. But you know, the future kids will be those to ask.

    2. Well, ideas and solutions must come from somewhere.

    3. Without ideas, solutions can never come. Because the solution is always one of the ideas. And... I think with youth comes creativity!

    4. Ideas and solutions are connected by creativity and asking questions.

      Creativity is something you develop. It's a skill. A younger mind has a better potential to be more creative, because it's still innocent and pure.

    5. So true. But the young, and or inhibited are not afraid to share it.

    6. To share a value, a lesson, a quality, a dream or an idea, is a choice.

      You choose to share.

      If you are mature and you have self-consciousness (that's part of maturity, right?), then you're not afraid to share.

      Children are not afraid because they are taught to share, even not knowing some of the consequences. By continuing to share, a level of maturity is developed.

    7. kids have no sensors. They are unfiltered. They think creatively because they play and explore their world and imagine what if. The have not been taught that something is not possible. They have imaginary friends and make pies out of mud. But when they are laughed at, or told they are stupid they just stop sharing their inner thoughts. Why don't students speak up at school, or adults at board meetings? They don't want to look stupid. Kids don't know that rule. Yet. Hopefully never. Moral of the comfortable with looking stupid. It will serve us all well.

    8. It takes nothing to sit down and join the crowd. It takes everything to stand up alone.

      Your observation is brilliant.

      I have a question:
      Sharing is a choice. But can anyone do what you said? Or only a few people?

    9. Anyone can do anything they set their heart to, commit and never give up.

  3. Awesome review and great description of the behind the scenes too! There are so many "bad aviation movies" out there where producers just don't research. But Disney is truly giving a voice to the hard working rescue teams and for this alone, kudos!

    1. Thank you JD! It's great that Disney gets it right. And so worth the effort. You'll love it!

  4. Awesome blog! Thanks for posting all these photos. It was so much fun to go behind the scenes. Wish I could be there when your grandkids watch the movie. Maybe you'll get photos. :-)

    1. Thanks Syd! What a great idea. Yes... I will get photos for sure. They're a little more forgiving in kids movies. Wish you could be there too!


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