Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Team Wild Mama

On A Mission!
Terry L. Carbonell is racing for the future of our children~

A Message from Terry: 
It is time for the annual Air Race Classic and Team Wild Mama is ready to race. We are doing something a little different this year, however: we are raising money for Aviation Adventures (AA). Many of you know how I became involved in Aviation Adventures. For those who do not recall, this is my work giving back to the community and sharing Mario's dying wish to fly that turned out to be his final gift to me. I am "flying it forward" in his honor and memory.

All money raised from Team Wild Mama donations and sponsorships is going directly to Aviation Adventures, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. You have all been very generous with us in past years. Please find it in your hearts to support us as we work toward AA's goal of raising $25,000 to purchase a Cessna 150 and other program materials so AA can provide FREE flight training and aviation education to youth in the underserved areas. We can take checks (payable directly to Aviation Adventures, Inc.) or we have set up a donation site that will accept credit cards at

Aviation Adventures mission: to provide aviation education and career development for disadvantaged youth, especially girls. Emphasizing STEM education concepts, we encourage young people to apply this knowledge in preparation for careers in all aspects of aviation, including clerical, technical, management and pilot careers. 
Our programs emphasize using aviation to enhance self esteem, and to promote team building, and leadership training.

A recent US News article highlights the social issue that AA is working to solve.

Please feel free to share this on social media and with your family, friends and fellow pilots. Help us help those who desperately want to develop their own wings. We are departing FL on or about May 24th for the journey to the race start in Concord, CA. Follow us on

Many thanks for your generosity and support, Terry

Terry L. Carbonell, Pilot
Ellen L. Herr, co-Pilot
2014 Air Race Classic - Classic Racer 11
100 S. Airport Rd.
Tavernier, FL 33070
Phone: 239-633-0077


  1. What a fantastic cause and wonderful inspiration. I wish you the best of luck, hoping you raise tons of money!

    1. Thank you so much Heather! You are doing amazing things for the animals too. Keep up the great work!

  2. Yes, we need STEM support! Only 25% of STEMers are women even though women hold 60% of all the bachelor's degrees! Women in STEM make 33% more, so why not!?
    I just gave a speech to a college about what's holding us back. They are definitely things we can fix and you are doing a terrific job! Thanks!

    1. Syd, Thank you so much for your comment. You and Terry are on the same mission...and I love to see it. Hopefully everyone will read fly girl and support the cause!


Thank you for your comment! If your comment doesn't appear immediately, it will after I land. Enjoy the journey!